Advice on Potassium deficiency

Really they lower it that much? I need to look into FF nutes because I seem to have to add a lot of PH down to get to 5.8. Mine runs about the same as yours @latewood with about 170 PPM but like I said it seems to take A LOT of down juice to get me to 5.8.

My dosage is 4 caps in one gallon, which was recommended off of a fox farm chart. Although I saw other “recommended” numbers… that’s what I went with. Cap full believed to be a teaspoon. Why would mine raise the pH and yours lower it? Unstable bottle? Old? @Drinkslinger had the same experience. An increase in pH.

To reiterate. Using ff Big Bloom by itself slightly raised my pH. It contains no nitrogen.
The ff Grow big lowers pH, it contains a lot of nitrogen. I’m also assuming the ff Tiger bloom will lower pH. Using them all together will also lower pH.


Are you running tiger bloom yet? That’s the one that plummets the PH of the solution.

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ENo I’m running Emerald Harvest who makes the Tiger Bloom?

Oh, thought you were running fox farms. It’s part of the trio. Big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom. Big bloom is used throughout the grow (organic, pretty small npk values). Grow big is the nitrogen rich nute used in veg and beginning of flower. Tiger bloom is the PK rich nute used in flower. Tiger bloom is the one that is real acidic and drops the ph.


So my version of what they just call Bloom I suppose. Mine are Micro, grow and bloom.

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Sounds like the same. Not sure whether that bloom is as acidic as fox farms or not.

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If I am reading this correctly; It says you are at 170 ppm. Is this
correct? If so then you are not adding enough FF to your mix. Please
tell me how much water you are using and how much FF you are using.
Also; Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom are supposed to be used together to get
in the proper nutrient ppm range. I am interested in why we seem to
have different results and mine follows what the tech at FF told me on
the phone. So, let’s figure this out for you and get your grow happy :smiley:

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So all, back to my original post and issue, 6 days have past since I originally posted I seem to have a phosphorus deficiency- likely due to my very high pH values. My watering pH have all been below 7 now, I just watered and got a 6.6 from the runoff water. I’m unsure if I should keep adding Big Bloom or I suspect now something different is needed because I am still losing leaves. Am I expecting correction to happen to quickly or am I truly just short of phosphorus and need to add something? The plant has dropped a lot of leaves. 20-25%

@latewood. I just saw your post. Will answer completely, soon. Thanks!

Sorry I just had a question @latewood this is not my post please see the above post. Sorry @Patrinio didn’t mean to get off subject.

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@Jbum No Worries, I’m learning. After watering and finding so many leaves I thought I should ask more questions.

Affected leaves won’t recover and will continue to fall off. It’s the new growth you’ll want to keep an eye on.


@BobbyDigital - by affected leaves, does this mean leaves that may not have appeared to be unhealthy at all but turned dark days later? Looking closely i see many smaller leaves that look great.
@latewood - my assumption that a capful was 1 teaspoon was incorrect. It’s 1.5 tsp per cap. So in a gallon it’s 6 tsp, or about 260 ppm? The parts per million is new but I’m getting the point. You guys are working in that number which makes sense now. In my case, I’ve gicen the plant 2 (maybe 3) feedings of about 200 ppm, or 3/4 of a gallon. Also one pure water flush 6 days ago and one today to measure pH off the plant.
Also, Should I trim off the leaves that are clearly dying off?
Plant shown below.

I’m going to bump this one in hopes you guys have time to answer my final flailing questions. :slight_smile: @latewood @BobbyDigital
Thank you!!

Sorry for the delay, missed the last question. I only remove the leaves if there are no more green in them. Are you only feeding with big bloom?

@BobbyDigital, Yes, Only Big Bloom.
Originally I just wanted a friendly easy stick a seed in the ground and water, plant. But it’s become something far more than that. And 4 times more money than originally budgeted. Lol.

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She may be hungry then. Big bloom doesn’t have a whole lot of nutrients in it.

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2 things. 200-260 ppm is way too low. you have to add Tiger Bloom to Big Bloom or you will not give the plant the nutrients you need. you should be at 1000-1200 ppm.

Another mistake IMO is that you are flushing your plant too often, too much. All you do when you do that is to weaken the mineral content in the medium.