Advanced Nutrients and CalMag

Hello to anyone using Advanced Nutrients Sensi pH perfect coco A &B. I will be growing in pre buffered coco/perlite do you need to add supplemental calmag to this base nutrient?


@nodurxshn is my go to on this topic. Hopefully he can answer your q’s.

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thats exactly what im running right now!
it really does what it says, dump it all in the res and no kidding boom stable at 5.8
…you can supplement sensi calmag xtra … but so far i have not needed it then again im running the entire connosieur line


when lights come on ill snap a pic but plants love it


Thanks for the reply, I just dropped seeds yesterday. I have never ran coco before so all is new. I read a ton and listened to a lot of pod casts with Dr. MJ Coco. I will be using autopots as well so lots of firsts.
I don’t have the full line but plan to use
-Sensi coco A & B
-voodoo Juice
-GH silica
-GH Diamond Nectar

  • Big Bud coco
    -over drive
    -flawless finish
    I have GH Cali magic is needed

Do you have a EC target for different growth stages?

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AN ph perfect is also EC perfect they just dont state it
in coco though ECs i aim for are. 450 - seedlings, 1200-1300 early to late veg, 1300-1600 early to late bloom then 200 to ripen and 0-50 flush, i grow in coco centered in hydroton in a net pot and plants love it



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OK thanks for the info, I read a lot of people’s comments on AN that they used recommended amounts and fried their plants, I plan to test the EC before I open the valves to the reservoir but just wanted an idea of what others are finding works

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im glad you brought it up i blanked the fact i only run half strength :frowning: and then i top off with plain ro for the rest of the week

Nice to know they brought back voodoo juice. I loved that stuff. I was so disappointed when I found out they discontinued it.

This is an update to my original post. I mixed the Advanced Nutrients Sensi coco as the label advised and diluted to 420 EC for my seedlings and later 1100 for young plants. They developed a mild cal/mag deficiency. I now mix up the base nutrients as advised and dilute to desired EC using general hydro calimagic 1ml/l water. Growing great so far. I hope this helps someone out

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How did your 1ml per liter calmag supplement workout?

I’ve been running a full dose 2ml per liter of sensi calmag xtra?

And, would you say the Big Bud, Over Drive, & Flawless Finish are worth it?

So you only use nutes once a week and then the rest it’s just str8 RO water?

Are you watering until runoff with the straight RO water?

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I no longer use advanced Nutrients. But it worked good, I had an issue with the sediments in the reservoir and autopot system. I liked the big bud and overdrive. I did t use flawless finish because I don’t do a flush period at the end of the grow. It is not necessary and pointless.


How often was the sedimate in the res? Going autopot and AN for my next grow indoors.

I ran a small fountain pump in the reservoir to keep the nutrients mixed and cleaned out the reservoir about every two weeks, but the nutrients would leave sediment in the trays. It didn’t seem to effect anything but I switched to a cleaner nutrient line

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Ah ok gotcha, I go through this with my Humdifiers with algae until I added Peroxide. I did get a wave maker for the Res.

I use 27% peroxide the reservoir doesn’t have growth.

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in hydro i mix nutes to top off on lets say friday and throughout the week i only top off reservoir with RO water, if by the following friday the reservoir is low then the next time i top off will be with nutes mixed in