Absolute novice struggling to find answers

I’m excited to smoke my own buds and not have to buy them :slight_smile: I’m sick of paying good money for crap weed, it’s really dry around here at the moment and everyone’s selling cabbage

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I think that’s why most of us get started the cost of buying then if it’s garbage on top of it grrrrrrrrr


Looking good…
Keep it up, looks like you’re going to do fine!

How do they look?


They look very healthy😉 that’s a lot of plants!!

To be honest I was sure I’d kill more of them then I did.
Still probably some males to come out of there.

What are people using for co2?
I made some ginger beer today should I put the brew in there, do I need co2?

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I’m not sure if you need it but it probably would help. People have used some off Amazon. I don’t know how to post a link but if you search co2 on there a couple of items will pop up. But the reviews aren’t that good. The ones in the bags that hang over the plants have been used by people on this forum @gypsy

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I found there was no need for co2
You can buy several products on Amazon co2 bags and what not or try a dyi set up but most in door grows will have enough fresh air to take care of the co2 needs
I saw no difference using or not using it just my experience
Happy growing :grin::v:CB

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@garrigan62, not sure if I missed it by what size bags of perlite to you use?

I used to buy only a couple pounds at a time but i don’t buy it any more because the Pro-Mix has it in it all ready. but ya you really don’t need it if it’s included in the soil you buy. it’s really up to you on how much you want to add.


@garrigan62, thx for response… Really good post, wrote down your recipe!

Good deal brother. Say i’m going to tag you in my journal ok.
I think you’ll find it very interesting.


@garrigan62, sounds great… Appreciate it!

No problem my friend no problem at all


Just curious about your thoughts on why biodegradable pots are not good. I’m newbie at this. My Cheese Strain is on day 12 of seedling stage. I have her in bio pot.

They never really degrade like they’re supposed to and I think that leads to negative effects on Root development… :grin: just my opinion :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

Oh wow, I had started her in small square 2×2 inch bio pot. Then moved her into larger round bio pot. So she’s in a double bio pot situation, yikes. Should I attempt to transplant her into Solo Cup?

If it were me I would… use a pair of scissors to cut up the bio pots as to not disturb your roots to much…
Here is some pics of what I do to my solo cups and pots to allow them to air prune my roots to keep them healthy… :wink:

This will allow you to have a healthy root system… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

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Thanks for the advice!
2 questions,
what are you using to drill the holes?
Your thoughts on my Starting Mix?

Starting mix seems like it will work…
As for the holes I use a soldering iron in a well ventilated area… that works the best and your cups and pots will hold up longer… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

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