If I was to use Epsom Salts & Lime in my mix and water with ‘seaweed water’ occasionally do you think I will need less nutes? Am trying to use as few as possible, but I’ll use them if I have to I guess =) Thanks
Thanks heaps for your recipe! Much appreciated! =)
First off welcome to ILGM forum sister
You’ll do fine as far as your boy friend gongs don’t snhare with him any info either lol just joking
The people hear will have you growing better smoke they he ever though possible especially for your first grow
As you can see there’s no lack of help here
Good luck with your grow
I say crack those bag seeds as your waiting lol
I have 5 plants in a tent ruffly half the size of yours and way too crowded so I think the suggestion that @Majiktoker made about 5/6 plants would be best for you and will allow you to properly maintain your ladies
@Traumamedic and @gypsy
LEDs can absolutely be used by themselves to get as good of results as HID lights. But unfortunately not even the best LED companies are the best about being completely honest at what it might take to get similar yields under their lights. If you want the same performance, you really need similar wattage and the right lensing to also match deep penetration through the canopy. I personally only use LEDs.
Posted by garrigan62
If you can get your hands on some clean wood ashes… like from a campfire (not junk wood like pallets or pine) take a few cups and soak them in a gallon of water for a day or so.
It’s a great source of phosphorus and sulphur… which are VERY important in growth, but even more so in flowering.
I even mix a few buckets into my soil mix.
Ooh that’s awesome I hadn’t thought of ash!! I use ash on my vege garden, I will try that.
I chucked 15 bag seeds in a glass of water last night but don’t know if they’ll be any good, they have been stored in a hot shed, but will see if any germinate I guess, I’ve got them in the hot water cupboard where it’s nice and warm.
Going to start making my soil today =)
I have become a little obsessed considering I have never even grown one plant,
I just want them to be perfect.
Don’t go into a grow wanting or thinking everything will be perfect.
Go into a grow with the thought that I will make mistakes.
Nothing is perfect, and no 2 plants ever grow the same.
This is a great place for resources, and there is an extreme amount of knowledge here… Just read a lot.
We’re all here for you, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Just be real good with your camera, everyone here likes pictures.
And by the way, you do realize that this “soil” you’re making is going to have to cook for 30 to 60 days, correct?
Yep =) I’m going to cook it in my garage, I still have to get my seeds sorted.
If I aim for perfection hopefully I’ll fall somewhere near good lol but yep I’m expecting a few mishaps along the way just trying to minimise them
Where is this data that you mention claims or proves light penetration is deeper with LED? We would all benefit from this information.
With your First grow, Perfection is just getting through it, You"ll do Fine <*)))><{
Did some shopping today =) I think I’ve nearly got everything, I chucked a small bucket of ash in my paddling pool, tore up 5 newspapers on it, covered it with meadow hay, then covered it with wet sphagnum and poured 6litres of worm juice over it, so I’ve made a start, it gets to about 33 degrees Celsius in the shed during the day so it’s going to cook pretty fast, will add a whole lot more stuff tomorrow and I’m going to fill the nappy bucket with seaweed and water and I’ve got some fish to boil and chuck in there too. Could be going to get stinky haha I don’t think I can get bat guano here so I’m going to have to improvise
Lmao… wow, that’s quite the list!
I think you’re going to do fine.
Just stick with us here, we’ll help you along if you need it.
I have a couple of tiny babies now, I burnt one by putting them out in the sunshine so I’ve learnt my lesson, and put them under my small LED bulb and I’ve got them sitting on top of the fish tank where it’s nice and warm and humid.
These are from the bag seed I germinated, some of them are soooo slow!! I’ve got 3 up and a 4th one nearly up but only 4 out of 15 so far, the others might still grow I had a careful dig around and some of them have split and have small tap roots so I covered them back up and put them back in the hot water cupboard.
Don’t dig them up to check them no good lol
Patience is the biggest skill to learn when growing especially when they are small they will grow roots first so you may not see too much growth at first
Just give a little ph water when needed misting at that size is best till soil is moist not wet
Good luck
Yeah I had a feeling digging them up was a no no but I had to see what they were doing, =) I’m glad I had a look because now I know to be patient when I get proper seeds and that they are doing something under there, I was worried I had over watered them and killed them
I understand we’ve all been there
Just be patient they will grow don’t feed nutes till small round leaves yellow and fall off they will feed the girls for a few weeks min
And like I said mist them or water very lightly around edges of pot not by stem right now
Off to a bit of a slow start, heaps of mistakes, nothing too major bit of light burn and got a bit hot when I was at work a couple of days but got a bigger tent and doing ok now I think.
The plants in the bags are from bag seed I started earlier in the thread.
These plants are all in my soil and haven’t had any nutrients, only worm juice tea from my aerated bucket
Over all I think your looking good @gypsy
Keep up the good work
looking good @gypsy your gonna have a great crop there in a couple of weeks when they fill in even more!