Absolute Newbie, curious if these look on track?

Hi all! Curious if these look okay so far - was worried they were too tall but have stopped growing out and leaves getting bigger, so I’m hopeful.


Welcome to the forum!

They look healthy - but they stretched a bit. Plant them deeper when you transplant.


Looks goid to me.
Its definitely time to get them in something a little bigger like a solo cup or small pot of some kind…

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As @Fiz stated, you can bury it up to the little round leafs when you transplant it into its next container and boom, streaching is gone :grin:
It will actually grow more roots out of that stem once under ground :+1:

And welcome to the community @Skeebone333


Thanks all! I think my ending spot will be a 5 gallon bucket - can I just head straight to that soon? Or smarter to move it up gradually?

Once June hits, I plan to have them outside, only on when really bad weather hits. Im in the northeast. Thanks again!!

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Good start.

Like suggested, plant it deep when transplanting…

How much light will you have for the grow?

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I’d put right in 5 gal. what soil and type of light.
Welcome to your new happy place :blush:

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I just have the 3 plants - I have just one basic grow light now that I think is good enough for these seedlings, but not bigger plants, so I wanted to utilize natural light in about 2 weeks but putting them in big pots and bringing outdoors.

Thanks! What do you suggest for soil in the 5 gal? I have super loam- was going to go with that and add what’s needed…

I only use fox farm soils. don’t have to feed 4 three weeks

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You can absolutely put it straight into the 5 gal but careful with watering it not to over water it.
Water in rings around it.
Be sure soil has very good drainage and you will be fine. .

Smaller is easier to deal with for alot of folks but necessary

Go for it and enjoy.

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Are they photos or autos?

I run my autos in 3 gal grow bags. 5 gal is probably good for both autos and photos.

Good growing!

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White widow - not autoflowering

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5 gal good move

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