About the Indoor Growing category

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hi growers, first I am afirst timer. want to use mt bedroom to growhat would suggest, limited space and building a plant or two to start with.wan easy to grow until I know what I am doing,not body stone unless 70 30 or so head high,ptsd stess.ect. nam- vet 65 yrs lold retired need a hobby.any good suggestions as per type of plant an lighting would be appreciated ffor this lod newby!!!loli would like to grow a few rally good plants not sure how yet. please advise if you can. sencerly gorwinf bro…


Easter babies sprout day after 4 20. First grow. Waiting for big bud and anticipating what to do next. Temps finally up to 77, 56 humidity. Germinated another big bud, so waiting for 2 now. Also waiting for extra 300 LED. Just grow then transplant right, next step?

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Why does this say 1 year later? I’m doing something wrong again, jeez

I’m 61 and retired. I bought LED lights. They have a built in fan and stay cool. I’m new and my seeds just sprouted, so exciting. This is definitely my new hobby. I think the type of lights depend on how many plants you grow. Just wanted to say hi :wave:

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Hey Everyone. This is my 1st Super Silver Haze indoor grow. This site as well as all its members have been very informative and inspirational in aiding my grow. I think I’m getting close to harvest and based on different forums regarding trichome colors and yellowing leaves and the many variables that go along with different strains, I seek advice. Pictured is a few of the whole plant and a few of the flowers.


Hello guys sorry to post this here, but I cant make a post about a topic im interested in, any help?

Week 6 of flower first grow I think it coming along good love the smell grape skunk

I am having some trouble and would like to use some of the professionals input on these pictures. Any tips, or any help at all is deeply appreciated all 3 plants are different strains. They are all auto and we’re all started at the same time. Foxfarm is the nutrition cycle. I am worried about the one in the front? Is this a hermi?

Hi first timer here i kinda started without equipment but there actually not doing horrible only problem i am haveing is they keep turning yellow i get them back green and they turn yellow again i dont know what i am doing wrong but its driveing me crazy these are my babies my medicine so i want the best for them any help.

Hello , just curious . Does anyone know what’s going on with my little seedling ? This is my first time ! The other one i plant at the same time it’s healthy ! And this one is way behind !

Make and already pollinating get it out and destroy it

Hi there i have Industrial grow equipment for sale, lights,fans,steele doors,rock wool sandwich panels,reverse osmosis water treatment tanks,hvac ubits,woodchipper/trash grinder,air shower, and various pots

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Hey everyone! Came across some awesome clones and don’t want to mess it up. Super Buff cherry & Legendary Larry OG. These are about 3-4 weeks old, and I have them under a 25 watt LED grow light. I’m a beginner when it comes to indoor and will take any advice I can get! What’s it look like these guys need? Running a basic organic soil with good PH levels, no fan, no dehumidifier.

Here’s my 2nd year growing. This is my first time indoor lol here is cherry pie 2 days shy of 4 weeks

My 1st grow!!! I ordered a Mars Hydro grow kit off Amazon, and 2 weeks into Veg I noticed that the lights were still on but really dim in the tent when the timer switched the lights off. I came back and checked again in the morning right before lights on and still dim. I tried straight into the socket etc. Anyway, it took 3 days for them to tell me that I have a defective TS 600 light. My question is: since the lights have been dim on the dark 18-6 cycle and 2nd week of veg…am I screwed? I am waiting for them to ship me a light. The plant looks pretty good so far. Afghan…

My 1st grow using fox farm happy frog mixed with perlite and ocean forest and other one has ocean forest perlite mix. Dark devil XXL autos about week 6 the other 2 are in week 2 tropical mirage photo and northern lights auto. Am i on the right track?