Im just so happy to be using this site which is bringing me succes in my garden. i still can not get my head round the support from guyys and girls ive never met and probably never will yet the support is like family and its amazing. You guys have me doing so much better and i can not thank you enough i just feel great knowing you have my back. i struggle to word what im saying to you lot but thanks to you all from the UK
New here also. Hope to learn how not to lose a lady
Happy to have you both around.
Welcome to the community. Manny great growers here to help out in any question you may have. happy growing
How do you follow someone?
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At the bottom of the thread you’ll see a box as in the first pic.
Click on that and the menu pops up.
(Second pic )
Make your selection from there.
To my knowledge you can’t follow a particular person but you can def follow the thread they created.
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