A question from a fellow grower:
this is my tap water profile:
pH 8.8
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Est 196
Electrical Conductivity, mmho/cm 0.33
Cations / Anions, me/L 3.3 / 3.5
Sodium, Na 75
Potassium, K Calcium, Ca 1
Magnesium, Mg Total Hardness, CaCO3 3
Nitrate, NO3- N 0.1 (SAFE)
Sulfate, SO4-S 3
Chloride, Cl 6
Carbonate, CO3 21
Bicarbonate, HCO3 145
Total Alkalinity, CaCO3 154
bicarbonate is thru the roof.
virtually no ca or mag
there is na, dunno f thats too much.
how much cal-mag should i add? and ii dont know how much iron there is but i figure there should be enough in the calmag? id like to use bennie safe calmag.
doesnt bicarbonate bond with ca and mag? do i have to compensate?
i could filter the bicarbonate out with an anion exchanger. but i cant find anyone focusing a unit on removing lots of bicarbonate. i dont think i need to ro my water, just carbon out the chloramine besides the anion exchanger, which should get the na to i think…
how bad would it be to leave the bicarbonate