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Thanks Mark, but I already got a light
It is used from a fellow grower, and boy!!! did I get a deal. It is still in the box as my daughter is not here to install it for me.
It should do about 6-8 ounces maybe !
Nice. Good job deb
Nice man. Looks like u got a nice stash buddy.
Wow, so impressive, so happy for you
Whats the tally ? 3- 5 maybe ?
Hey @Mark0427 there growing quick
Means they r happy I their environment right now
Nice. Looks tasty. I’ll take 2 or 3 of them jars off ur hands for ya. Lol. The CBD plant I have going is beautiful fat ass buds right now. Wonder how long she’s gonna have to go as she just keeps throwing white pistils everyday I water she gets more pistils and fattens up. It’s crazy watching it. Bout to drop some Sasquatch stash then next after them will be some purp titties have u grown it gg4 seeds u sent me at all and were they good no hermied or what’s up?? I almost wanna drop some of what u sent me instead of the sasquatch ones lol. I think u sent purp pinch and another I wanted to drop but I wanna find a good one and clone it as I like it this way so far. All the plants growing alike not all different. Oh and so far the blue magic for the pests and wpm control works great for wpm and gnats atleast. Wasn’t infested but did have a few loose guys here and there that are no longer around. Yeah.
Just incredible, I need to be your neighbor
The GG4 are the Hermi’d seeds but I thought we concluded they were feminized because of the way it happend so not sure one of us is going to have to grow a couple out. Right now I have 2 akunk 2 Dark plasma 4 of the purple punch all still rooting I’m out of room
Maybe by end of next week I’ll get you some Deb still curing
Hmmm. I should drop a few as there is a bit of room here right now and I should be going good as the temps and rh are like perfect here right now being able to control it so we’ll.
Yes, please I would love that these pics are so they make me like mesmerized, amazing, want to taste and smell that so bad, mine was average, this one should be better I hope. Thank you