24 hours and we have life!

24 hours and we’ve got life! So I popped them into seed starter and will grow in there till they are big enough to withstand our torrential, tropical rainstorms here in SW FLORIDA. otherwise they would probably float away. Got some mint and other things to grow around them.



Congrats! Can’t wait to see how they grow!

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@Lindababy go to beginners and grow journals and do a grow journal. Write it all in one. Or if you want this to be it that would work too! Looking forward to following along @Lindababy

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@bob31 will do. Thanks,

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Congratulations, you’ve got babies. As @bob31 said the guides and Bible are a fantastic guide and if your a dummy like me I still have to come to for to correctly identify problems. Usually can narrow it down to couple things but get total clarification here.


I have the “Bible”. Advice is invaluable. Also articles on the website with very specific issues and problem solving. I love growing off beat stuff. But I’m a little worried about the weather in FL. No shortage of light, sun, and privacy. But I’m concerned about the heat and it being too wet. Thanks @laurap

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Are you growing indoors or out. Not sure how to combat humidity outside. Have you gotten the guides as well

I’m going to grow outside. But like I said I’m doing a few in Large containers on wheels so if it gets too wet I can move them in. More worried about the tropical rainstorms ruining the plants when I transplant. But I’ll just start over. I will figure this out. I must.