2 week old seedlings, I have this lightgreen spots Im worried HELP!

This my first time growing and I got this lightgreen spots that looks translucent when the light hits it im getting worried, if you guys could help me out I would be super thankful :confused:

Ph dont have
Soil: Lightmix biobizz
Nutes: fish mix 1 ml
Light: Led 400w

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I’m pretty new here too having just tonight harvested my first grow, and so idk what your spots are. They look like nothing to me, but again don’t take that to the bank.

I can say a few things though that might help you out… What do you have your light set on? For how many hours a day? And how far away? I’m not even sure that you should even be using a light at this point, and I don’t think you are so early, but that’d be better answered by someone else. I burnt mine up as Seedlings and while they did fight back it hurt them and my yield pretty badly. If you are using the light already, it should be on 25% and all the way to the top of your tent, far, far away from your plants and on an 18/6 hour timer.

Also, get your pH tester and pH up and down. You can get a cheap tester on ebay for 10 bucks and the pH up and down run about $12 each. The pH is THE most important thing to keep in check.

Hope that helps


Hi Karen!
Thank you so much for your help, I got a cheap LED light that is similar to solar panels it have 6500k in light spectrum, and the cycle is 18/6. Im gon attach a pic, thanks again for your insight it really means


@Bseis if you are able to download the photone app for your phone and use that to gauge the height of your light looking good so far though what strain would you be growing


Photone app would be great! It would help you set the correct lighting intensity.
It’s not uncommon to have a seedling with a few funny looking leaves it’s pretty normal.


Welcome to the community , Seedlings look fine nothing to worry about. Add a little soil back fill up on the stems. Small fan Create a breeze will strengthen the stems.
Seedlings showing a little stretch.
Good luck


How many watts is the light? Not what the advertisement says but look on the light driver itself to see. Most manufacturers will inflate their numbers just to make the sale. You have 3 plants started and they’re going to get very big and thats not going to ne nearly enough light. You need 200 watts per plant to get them to flower.
You definitely going to need a quality pH and just a cheap TDS meter to check PPM of the runoff.
What nutrients are you planning on using?
It looks like your growing in a closet, do you have proper ventilation?
They wont make it if these things aren’t in check.


Hi everyone,
Thanks for the feed and the your insights.

I installed the app and It shows me that the light gives me 240-310 PPFD.

I got the try pack from biobizz (fishmix, biobloom and topmax).

Im planning on buying the PH and TDS tester next week so I will make a new post showing the progress, Also the strain is Cream Mandarine Auto.

Again thank you everyone, regards from Chile I will do my best following your tips :smile:

And this how I keep the ar flowing

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Your going to need alot more light. I’m sorry. They are already stretching, getting real long. Thats because they arent getting proper lighting. Your going to need 500-600 PPFD just to make it through the vegitating stage and 800-1100 PPFD for flower.
Take a look at HLG (Horticulture Lighting Group) and you can use the SHOP Affirm app that HLG provides so you can pay in monthly installments for a decent light. Look at a couple refurbished Rspec 300’s or something similar. You will need 2 if they are around 300 watts or just 1 if its a 600 watt. You can even call their customer support and ask them what they have and let them know your budget. They are a bunch of good guys that will help you without trying to empty your wallet.
They are not going to make it unless you get more better lighting. I want to see you succeed! Get a good light or 2!


Welcome to the forum. You can just lower the light a bit to control the stretch there. I let mine do as yours are for the first 4 or 5 days. So I know I am not killing them with light. Then I will either lower the light a touch or turn it up. I got a pair of these lights to use for veg. They do great and can be dialed in really low for the start. They are 90w true lights. I only use these for up to about 4 weeks. I have not tried them past that. They seem to go in and out of stock often. Cost was about 55.00 though. The lower one was great for seedlings. It is good if you just need a cheap light to start seedlings off with
For mid veg to flower. You will need a lot more light. This is just my O2 having spent a ton on lights that got replaced with good ones. If you are able. Get a good light from the start. The tags are not working for me again or I would tag the forum light guy in. It is @Dbrn32


What soil are you using? There is a very good chance you don’t need to feed for some time… just water with appropriate phed water, 6.5 or close to.


Im currently using soil from biobizz lightmix, I lowered down the LED a bit so the seedling dont stretch and @Autos-only you’r right I made a mistake feeding cuz now the 2 plants I fed got this bronze spots,

And the one I didnt feed looks like this,


Not a big deal, just water only for a few weeks, use clean water like RO water or dehumidifier water if it’s clean. These are good sources of water that don’t need to be pHed. You should t need to water very much at this stage anyways.


Welcome to the community!

Those plants look healthy to me. Leaves won’t be perfect, it’s ok to have an odd colour or spot showing up occasionally. If they continue to grow day after day, you’re ok. Go find a healthy tree or bush outside and start scrutinizing the leaves, you’ll find plenty of odd spots in them. We all have gone through our first grow and I think about 99% of us have posted about our plants that looked weird.

Looks like you already got lots of good advice here.

Get that light as close as the plants will tolerate. A good test is to hold your hand under the light for 30 seconds - if it’s too hot for you, it’s too close to the leaves.

A quality light will be worth the investment if you can afford to upgrade. If you can’t, try to save up. Used grow lights can be found sometimes too. Black Friday will be coming up next month, another good time to potentially get a deal online.


Isnt that true. You have to make mistakes to learn in this hobby. Its all part of the process.


I have an idea, for as far as his light not being enough. But I’m a newb only on my 2nd grow, so wait to see if any ‘experts’ agree. Here goes… You could always line your walls and ceiling with foil or even those car shield things so the light you have would reflect off of everything, thereby providing more light and more heat than you have. Because if the light is reflecting in a 1000 different directions it will hit just about every leaf. I think anyway. Isn’t that why Tents are 100% silver inside?

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