2 outta 3 ain't bad

1st time grower and poster so I apologize in advance if I’m not doin anything right but I’m worried that I already lost one of my babies. I germinated and planted these 3 seeds on 11/21 at the same time but my Big Bud is clearly having issues. Had a healthy taproot but didn’t sprout with the other 2, Amnesia Haze and Chocolope (all 3 are photo fem). When it finally sprouted through the soil it wasn’t initially green, then it only produced 1 cotyledon. I haven’t given up on her yet but the other 2 are thriving with 2 sets of true leaves so I am starting to get worried. Here’s what they look like now
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And here’s an early pic

Please send help😬


Don’t give up on it…I have had several that were very weird and even deformed as sprouts and seedlings that produced large quantities of excellent buds.

Don’t over water your seedlings and be patient. Don’t mess with them too much until they get established.

Here is a link that you may find interesting:


I’ve done a lot of research but I’ve never even had a house plant b4 this so my experience level is zero lol. I’m jus as excited 2 learn as I am 2 get a nice yield but I’ll admit I wuz feeling a lil discouraged so thanx 4 the confidence boost

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I started growing in 2018 and had never grown anything but a mustache before that.
I learned everything that I know about growing cannabis right here on this forum.
Here is link to my journal if you are interested.


This young grasshopper thanks you🙏🏽

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I think my tent needs 2ba lil warmer. I planted seeds in FF. 2 HF: 2 parts OF: 1 part coco and some mycorrhizae. Using distilled water and have brand new water and soil meters but haven’t tested the pH yet. I’ve read it’s unnecessary this early… But should I be? Now that I’m typing I realize I def should especially since I’m having issues :weary:


Temperature, pH and light levels are all SUPER important and should be tended to at all phases after they sprout. Humidity is also important but there is a lot more variance.


Ook so when I get home later I will calibrate my pH meter and test the water. Should I test the soil as well? Should I be testing runoff pH? I’m using biodegradable bags until my 1st transplant but I don’t give them so much that it leaks out the bottom. Also I realized I jus earned the right to attach multuple pics AFTER my initial post so here is what they look like right now. Bear with me… I hope I’m doin this right lol


I always adjust the pH of my water. If feeding, the pH adjustment takes place after all of the nutrients are added.

I only worry about testing the runoff for EC and pH if I am experiencing a problem that I am trying to solve and correct. Some folks collect and test runoff regularly as part of their normal routine.


Ook word. I haven’t used either yet but I have potassium silicate and citric acid to adjust pH. I’ve heard I should test, let the water sit a cpl hours, then test again. Is this right or am I doin 2 much? Sorry 4 all the questions but I wana b like u when I grow up lol!!!

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I adjust pH with pH UP and pH DOWN. I do not wait, I give the pH adjusted water/nutes immediately. I do aerate and warm the water for a minimum of 24 hours before using it.

Many folks do wait a while after adjusting pH but since I never had any issues, I just use it right away.


I have been keeping the water jug in the tent so it is the same temp as the environment. Is that sufficient or should it be warmer? I’ve never aerated but I do have a soda stream in the house. Would that work or should I buy something specifically for this purpose?


Warming it to room temperature is great. I use an aquarium aeration pump to aerate and two aquarium heaters to heat the 10 gallon reservoir that I use for my plants.

The idea of aeration is to add oxygen to the water. Your soda stream would be adding CO2 which would screw up the pH plus the roots don’t absorb CO2 to my knowledge.

Let me tag in a few really excellent growers that may want to weigh in.
@Covertgrower @BobbyDigital @PurpNGold74 @AfgVet


Easiest way to aerate to water is a cheap aquarium air pump.

I have an RO reservoir that stays at or about the same temp as the room the plants are in.


Wow thank u so much. This community is so awesome I should’ve moved in a long time ago lol


Word. I’ll start looking for 1 tonight. Thanx 4 the input


Your temp is to low, 78*f for growing.

Any cooler andess success for germination as well as growth will be slowed.


Yeah thanx I realized that after checking out @merlin44 's grow journal. I have a 4" intake and oscillating fan running 24/7. Should I turn 1 off a few hours a day to raise the temp? I have a viparspectra 1000w led and it doesn’t seem 2 emit much heat. I have a mini space heater but my tent is only 32"x32" nd I’m wary that it’ll cause heat spikes n such a small space and I’ve heard flux is worse than too cold…

Hi. I’m an overthinker. Nice 2 meet u lol


4got 2 reply directly 2ur post… I’m still learning 2 navigate. Newb apologies all around

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Something like this ok? Then just keep water in a sterile container?

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