Their actually going on 4wks
If it is photo seeds they womt show sex til u have them on a strict 12 on 12 off cycle or more than 12 hrs dark
Ok thanks!
Strip off alot of the leaves off the botto. Any small sucker branches take off. Try and keep a focus on the top half off the plant buds as the bottom usuall stay a bit larfy so if u eliminate the larf and focus on the good bud u will be a winner. I take off about a third of the bottom all the way thru the plant if the branch is not at least making it a third of the way up it gets chopped basically.
Doing that today! So all the middle growth strip away? I haven’t bn using any nutes, should I? I have micro, bloom, and grow nutrients by advanced nutrients. Using nutes allows more bud production at least from what I’ve read. Can I grow without incorporating nutes. Just FFOF soil, h20, and light.
Pic didnt load but give it a day or 2 most like u wont even be abke to tell. Just remember the 21 and 42 day defol times. Starts afyer u see listils forming basically
So I can start using nutes. And when I should do I should dose with a lower amount of nutes correct? Should I use them on my auto? Lower left plant is the auto and the other 2 are photos.
You’re definitely flowering now! Looks good.
Keep feeding at 1/4 strength, see how she responds. Then increase.
Continued success.
Awesome thank you! Waiting on my Afghan seeds. Watched some vids on the yield growers produce, just insane can’t wait.
I was also concerned with my auto, different strain but mine looked skinny at that age as well
What strain were ya growing? Did your buds start to fatten up? What are you currently running?
ILGM Girl Scout Cookie Extreme Auto. And yes they are swelling now. Running Advanced Nutes in DWC Hydro.
Niice! How far along are you into flower?
3rd week
You’re looking good. Keep on it. They will continue to fatten up especially late in flowering.
Continued success.