No worries here man. I’m a new grower myself, so I just advised what worked for me. I just had so many people on here help me that I wanted to try to pass along the things I’ve learned. That’s why I like this forum though, there’s lots of active members, and all have different, yet successful, ideas and methods for growing. Ive learned so much, and it has been tremendously helpful on this first grow!
@DrWatson420 Im so glad I found this forum. I was on reddit for a while doing research to see if growing my own medicine would be worth it. I found this forum and was a deal changer. I got my tent kit, seeds, and everything that I need reading through the different topics and journals. This community is the best!!!
Pics update 18 Jan
Strain: BB
Germination: 11 Jan
Sprouted: 16 Jan
Age: 3 days
Medium: FFHF and FFLW
Strain: GG
Germination: 11 Jan
Sprouted: 17 Jan
Age: 2 days
Medium: FFHF and FFLW
Strain: GSCE
Germination: 11 Jan
Sprouted: 17 Jan
Age: 2 days
Medium: FFHF and FFLW
Absolutely. There’s rarely bad advice - sometimes, but I don’t see it much.
100% - no harm in sharing! I still consider myself pretty new to the game, I’ve been growing since mid-July of last year. My best suggestion is get your advice from 2-3 growers who’s style of Grow matches your own. I’m probably one of the laziest growers I know it’s hard finding a fellow lazy grower around here.
Absolutely it is. I will say don’t be disheartened if your first grow doesn’t produce the kind of yield you were hoping for - I pulled my first couple plants and thought “it’s going to take forever to grow enough to not be needing a dispensary anymore.” But it only took that one “first timer” round of growing to get exponentially better. My first plant was an autoflower who yielded about a half ounce. My second plant was a photoperiod I pulled prematurely, she yielded about 2 ounces.
The second round, I had 2 autoflowers who each did about 2.5 ounces sharing a tent with a photoperiod who weighed in at 13.5 ounces. So my autoflower Grow was 5x better the second run, and the photoperiod was almost 7x better. My tune has changed dramatically about whether or not it’s worth it.
Just remember the first few plants might not be what you dreamed of - or they may be even better than you ever hoped! It’s impossible to say but we will all do everything we can to steer you towards massive yields as early in the grow as possible.
Oh, we may just become best friends, being lazy is my key to life. Work smarter, not harder, is my life motto
Thats impresssive!! I consume around 1.5-2oz monthly. Is quite expensive over $220 per oz. I’ll be happy with getting at least 3oz conbined from the three plants. Hopefully i get more than 3oz so I can have at least 2months supply lol
I got a few Gold Leafs photoperiod that I will try once I feel comfortable doing this
Yeah, cheap weed over here is “on sale” for $7 a gram with a limit of like 4 grams. Ounces cost upwards of $310 on the “cheap” end (14% THC)
Or you can call “the guy” and get it for $200/oz. Yikes.
My guy only sell trash another reason why I decided to start working on my own medication. I just got another oz a few days ago and told my wife Im going back to my painkillers (percocet and gabepentin) until Im able to collect my first harvest lol
Ouch. Yeah “the guy” is another home grower who actually encouraged me to start growing. She’s a f*ing rockstar - can’t trim worth sh!t but produced some good stuff straight out the gate. Mine is better than hers after a couple harvests, but I also had more disposable income to burn on lights and didn’t get roped into gimmick nutrients (okay, okay, I fell for Fox Farms’ bs but this forum straightened me right out).
Unfortunately, I too was sucked into the FF trio. I don’t think it’s the worst product out there, but there are certainly better ones available, and cheaper too. I’m switching to jacks, seems like it’s a solid feeding system and people seem to have a lot of success with it.
Absolutely. FF was $40 for the three bottles (on sale) and didn’t help much. Used the entire bottle of big bloom in a month just trying to accommodate for the amount of water changing I had to do.
That’s what I’m on now. I got 25 pound bags of A and B and will probably have them for the next year even with as much as I grow. It’s easy, and works in any medium at the same feed rate. So I can water my soil plants at 6.5 and just add PH down to the rest of my water to feed my coco and hydro ladies.
I got my trio at $29 each bottle. I guess I need to look into Jacks products. I have spent close to 1k. I didnt realize this was going to be so expensive
Seriously though I cannot recommend Jack’s enough. $50-$60 for the big bag of Part A and Part B on Amazon, $5 for 6 lbs of Epsom salts from Walgreens, and you’re off. $130 max for a year’s worth of nutrients, if not more.
I believe it was around $25 for a 2lbs kit off Amazon, eBay also has them. When this runs out will buy the big bags. Lol
I have barely put a dent into the kit I got and have been using it for a gal every other day for weeks now. I add microbes to mine, and will still be under $65 to feed the entire grow and beyond.
it’s a big up-front investment but the cost is far outweighed by the benefit. I figure at $300 an ounce, I’ve made $6,300 in the last 6 months of growing my own. I haven’t actually made that because I’ve easily spent 4 of that on the initial, upgrading, and more seeds than I can shake a stick at, but still. It beats the heck out of paying someone else to do something I can easily do myself.
Sorry for my ignorance but Jacks are another type of soil? So, I will be mixing all of them to get my medium? Or are they only nutrients like the FF trio?
Im a newbie only know about FFHF, FFOF, FFLW and FF trio lol
No worries. It’s like Fox Farms liquid nutes but instead of being super concentrated hot garbage, it’s dry powder you mix as needed to water.
The standard is 3.6 grams A, 2.4 grams B, 1.2 grams Epsom salts for one gallon of water. You just water as usual but with this stuff dissolved in.
Like these:
And if you’re in coco, then you can wash it and not spend another $30 on bricks. Nutes, seeds, lights, soil, energy costs, fans, all adds up. With money I’ve wasted on stuff I don’t actually need, I could probably afford to have an entire tent setup next to the one I have already. Instead of huge plastic storage bins taking up space.
This whole QUOTE THO! You guys have no idea… ive heard/seen some horror stories… its no cheap hobby indeed
Another convert eh @Graysin ?

Another convert eh
I was an easy convert. I didn’t do my nutrient homework when I started growing and paid for it with mediocrity.