1st grow, need nutrient advice

Hey guys, the one in the middle is a GG as is the one on the left, the right is a GSC extreme. I am growing in ffof and feeding with grotek solo tek bloom, she is at the end of week 6. My question is does she look nutrient deficient in any way? it looks like she’s a little more lime green or she’s not as dark green as she was a few days ago.


Honsstly to look at them they all look nice in the pics. Diff strains will put out diff colors. But to look they look fine and are doing great by looks. Might be growing a bit faster is why u see more of a yellow look to the leaves. Usually rapid growth shows the leaves to be yellowish at first.


Mark is correct. Different plants, sometimes even the same strain, will present color a little different.
That said you should simply keep a watch for any signs of deficiencies between the plants. Each one could need a little different nutrition. Not always, but possible. The most common issue with lighter leaves is nitrogen deficiency. That will start on the bottom of the plant first. But other parts will still have darker leaves.


Today looks more so, and it is changing from the top, I think they look good, I just want to be ahead of it if they are calcium deficient or anything

Thank you for your thoughts

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Take a close up of the top canopy of each plant. If there is a calcium deficiency that is where it will show first.