1st grow journal 2nd grow

My boyfriend and I decided to try our hand on growing Gelato 33 from ILGM. So we started 5 seeds in a 24 hour water soak well water on 04/07/, by 04/08 they were showing tap roots so moved them into the paper towel and dark room for another 24 hours and 4 of them were planted into jiffy peet pellets on 04/09, now here we are a week later and have moved them to solo cups filled with Happy Frog Potting soil, had a scare a few days ago while transplanting 2 of my tap roots part of them broke off but so far they are looking good, I had 1 plant that was a late bloomer so she is a little behind the others but catching up nicely. Have them currently inside a tiny garden green house under a 1200w led grow light, will be moving to bigger 15 gallon buckets in another week or so and to a bigger green house once it’s up. Can not wait to share the progress with you all and am hoping that this grow turns out amazing, and we are planning on trying to clone some of these Gelato plants to.



I would suggest going to 3 or 5 gallon first before jumping to 15 gallon. Easier to care for the plants needs. Although most are scared of transplant shock you can carefully transplant and the plants don’t skip a beat.

My .02 cents.

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My bad that was supposed to say 5 gallon buckets not 15.


Cool. I do 32 oz, 3 gallon, then 10 gallon.

Good luck, looks like a healthy start.


I’ll be watching for sure. If I can get mine out if the ground, I’ll be a week or two behind you.

Hey, good luck to you guys!


You have a bit of stretch happening. You might need to move your light a bit closer.


Looks like you have definitely done your homework. Best of luck with this grow!


Good luck set to watching :slight_smile: :v:t2:

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So far so good, couldn’t find any 3 gallon containers so got these cheap things for a buck and will transplant them into 5 gallon buckets in another week or so after we get more Happy Frog soil.


Good work.

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3 Weeks since planting and still growing strong and beautiful and starting to smell already, my boyfriend shut the lights off in the greenhouse the other night and said if he didn’t know where the smell was coming from he would of thought there was an actual skunk in it lol.

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Right on track! Nice job!

Sorry have not updated in a bit just been busy lately, but the lovely ladies are growing and getting bigger every day, and are already producing a fabulous aroma and crystalizcrystalizing wonderfully. I do have a question has anyone ever topped their plants before, and if so is it to early to top mine yet or are they ready now?20190429_193307|242x500


Hey sallybush1977,

I would speak up, but I bet I would find a shoe in my mouth.

I think the rule of thumb is 4 or 5th set of leaves.

Let’s ask someone


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4 sounds good. That’s about when I top mine😎

The ladies are doing pretty darn good so far will be moving them into 13 gallon garbage cans(got a bunch for really cheap)within the next few days and into the bigger greenhouse also so they will have more room to grow and flourish and boy do they smell awesome already.