U just placed her down their for pic? Or they go around not leaving garden? Lol cool
Truly, I’m guessing the Water Dragons like to hang out behind the Herb trees because that’s where the Skinks and other bugs like to hang out too, in the shade - an endless supply of food walking right past LOL
for the past 4 years, I have been ingratiating myself to the Water Dragons bringing them fruit and scraps of meat. They have no fear of me now and actively seek my company LOL I have no fear of slugs or snails attacking my vege garden because the Dragons are on patrol.
They show aggression by head-bobbing and arm-waving. They make no sound at all. When it’s mating season, the big, red chested males get into some very aggressive head-bobbing and arm-waving going on LOL have a watch of this: Eastern water dragons in suburbia [HD] Off Track, ABC RN - YouTube
That looks absolutely AMAZING!!! Cool additions Nana.
And the garden is looking zeb af IslandP. Great work as usual
Ok week 5 in books. Ppl startin sayin they were yellowin to soon. So i added half teaspoon to gallon water of tiger bloom. Think they want more they liked it
Nice photo shoot! Them some sexy ladies there
Those girls look better n better! I think its closer to two weeks. But we’ll do a trich check next week n cross that bridge then
Exactly…the blue cookies says 9weeks og cali kush says 9-10weeks. I having alotta bugs n humid issues mite cut down all sometime
Hey u know better then me. Better a week or two early then to lose the whole haul
Damn those are some fine frosty nuggets man! U may need to get a bit closer. But seem to be clear n cloudy. Lemme get better eyes @raustin but they look good
I can’t really see them, I need a closer zoom.
Congrats on the harvest my man. Well done Look like a sweet haul. Especially for December chopping
Congratulations on the harvest!