1st grow and would love and help or tips

Research your strain as well. Put the info together over a few coffees.


I have no tds meter just some up and down with color strip and dye to check ph… i have 3 that are flipped in week 4 now but they were some bag seed…these 10 i bought from online. I need to build something in backyard with pvc and wrap with shade cloth. Cause my fence is 4 feet 9 inches plants are already 23inches and i dont want them passin fence

i just dont know how to yet lol

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:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: have they all been flowering and stopped stretching? You may can get away but they gon get FUNKY


No flowering yet… they stretched alright loll. They’re just gettin tall and i dont want them passin fence while in flower. So i fig i do something this week. Just need some ideas and lookin around

Supercrop TF outta those tops. Hell if they break… clone and reveg it. May turn into your fav smooth in the end and you’ll thank me :joy::joy:


That means to bend the top like snap it?

Pinch with forefinger and thumb only. Then gently squeeze/flex the stem up n down. You will see how a memory will form in the bend ur creating. Be gentle till u get confidence, won’t b long with that lot.


Shit man. U gotta rethink what ya doen there. Gonna get a heavy heavy fog round your joint.


No nutes hey…look good for it too. Nice

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What u mean fog? Lol

U dont have to bend to the point of breaking. Just enough to fold ur stem. Be gentle or it will break. I was just showing you, even if they break. U can clone your monstercropping (broken branch)

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Just let them grow and put some shade cloth along fence to raise it


They’re gettin pretty tall


Something else u could do if not confident for the other way , could b to put a loop of twine/heavy string around main stem bout 3/4 way up then pull down to whatever u reckon is safe and secure around other pots possibly…


On second thought… fuck it the fence is see through anyway so just let them grow in plain site


I had to bring them in ,while i build this grow flip house. the winds were to powerful knocked 2 over.21 i had to do surgery on smh

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A week later looking and smellin amazing