1st Ever Grow&Journal (MA)

Thanks bro you’ve guys been very helful so far. For sure will update.

You have about 43 feet square to cover (2 meters = 6,56168 feet or if you prefer 6’674") 43 × 35 = 1505. So, 2 of 800 watt LED lights full spectrum should be good,

If you decide to go with 2 of 1000 watt LED lights full spectrum you will be doing great :+1::ok_hand:Just don’t put these lights to close from the top of your plants , about 1 meter above (3 feet) no more closer espacelly when seedling/sprouting and early vegetative stages.

You may need lights support for maximum coverage of the side (other LED or CFL) if you want to crowd your area at maximum capacity, just don’t forget to let you the chance for you to move :wink::innocent:

For the number you can fit in this area, easely 10 to 12, 5 or 6 in each side, it’s another thing if you go with LST or SCROG setting, @Matthew420 is your man on this one :wink::innocent:

Hoping that’s helping you @Ishy

~Al :innocent: :v:


Well stated @Niala
I knew you would give a great answer
Didn’t want to convert meters to feet after last time when my math was so off lol I need to get a grip on the metric system lol
Thanks for the help buddy

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Thanks for the good word and you’re welcome @Countryboyjvd1971. I am sure, with a little practice, that you’ll be able to master the conversion :wink::+1::ok_hand::v:


I appreciate the reply buddy will take this into consideration. Whats a quick harvest plant that does well and what would thr total time be from seed on average. Thanks

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For a quick harvest you should go with auto-flowering seeds and White Widow and AK-47 are strong and easy to grow strain , however it’s really depend on your personnal taste, do you like a more earthy or fruity taste ? A strong smell or just a medium one , a big high or a mellow one, if you can tell your preference it will help for you to choose :wink::innocent: @Ishy

~Al :innocent: :v:

Fruity taste, idm about smell, and a strong high but ofcourse im a begginer

White Widow has 20%+ of THC, Blueberry and Super Skunk has 14% + of THC and have a fairly good CBD level for the little medical issues. All are good pain releivers and fruity taste . The White Widow has a warning that it’s not necessary for beginner smoker and they are all easy to grow . With these, I think you’re gone a be satisfy :grinning: :innocent: :v:

Hoping that’s helping you @Ishy

~Al :v: :innocent:


Certainly does will order soon :slight_smile:

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I’m glad that I have been helpful :innocent: :v:

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Hi guys just a quick update nothing had popped through and i thought it was due to me planting seed to far in or that i messed it up and they didn’t germinate in MA where its legal :))))))). I decided to see what was up and replant them and to my surprise all 3 blue dreams had a taproot and i remembered luckily to take a picture

I have replanted and would like some feedback. Moving them to 7 litre pots with fox farm soil in a week or 2 and that would be there final destination


Another update. After putting them nkt as deep into the soil ive seen some progress. Im desperately waiting for the fox farm to arrive as im using some shitty garden soil but it seems to be working :slight_smile:

This seems to have a thicker and stronger taproot.

And here i see it pull through very happy atm. It is day 6 In MA, USA!!!

@Ishy I’d mix the ff with the other garden soil and maybe some perlite. They sell at all the true value and other hydro stores now. Growing supplies are all over the place now as they are big money.

I have used FFOF from seed and I will probably switch over to the FF Happy Frof for my next grow to try that. I got off to a slow start, but I’m not sure if it was me or the soils or what. Just my $.02

oh and be careful exposing those tender roots to too much light. They don’t like it and they can be damaged easily.

Yh i will do thanks for the advice. Also happy frog is that a super soil premix? Lastly yh i should be more careful its just that i need to keep adjusting them coz something alwayd goes wrong

I hear ya. If you stick with us, we will get you through the learning curve and you will be getting on this figured out on your own. Growing mj is just a bit different than growing most everything else and even though it’s a weed it can be a little temperamental.

If you look thru the other grow journals you will see guys making unbelievable harvests and you can do that too. Biggest things are don’t do anything drastic. ph your water. and ask questions or read what others have done or both. lol!

happy frog soil is a little more neutral than ocean forest. I’m not a really technical speaker on this stuff, but I’m sure someone else can comment on why it’s better to use HF to start instead of OF in the seed to seedling stage.

Oh and be prepared that you might see bugs. Might as well get some food grade DE now as almost everyone that uses these composted soils has gnats or other bugs.

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Yh i really wanna do well bro and make this a usual thing as I’ve got the time dedication. I wanna learn how to do nutes and measure PPM, run off ect… that’s the only shit i find confusing for some reason as theres many different types people use.

I see what your saying with the happy frog ill hopefully do thay too and purchase it.

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ok, look around the local hardware stores for perlite and soils. The prices are way cheaper than online.

Try not to get too hung up on the science of things and just go with the results. The science will come as you get a grip on the techniques.

If you use the right soils you won’t really need any actual nutes until your girls go into flower.


Yh i understand.

Here is some stats atm its 66°F

@Ishy you need to warm those babies up to about 80-81 F and keep them good and humid with a dome or something if you have something. RH should be 50% or higher

I don’t think you have them in enough soil? Or you will need to do something in only a few days after they sprout. They don’t really like being handled and jostled around much when they are young…


Yh will try make do bro and sort it out