10 days post transplanting lowered light to 12.5 inches above canopy

Yeah any reason, its like whell of fortune sometimes

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Hello,why are they locked if they were all moved and now its saying will be deleted in 7 days. Ive seen posts on here from years ago

Hey i went through my phones photos and ive found that this girl started her flowering on october 20th

When mods move multiple threads into one it locks(still can view it if im not mistaken) then deletes after thoes 7days.

Everything he moved here will still be viewable here, thoes other threads just will not be after the 7days.

Haha u went into flower oct 20th all my hirls poped the 21st

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Haha kimda on the same schedule.just different parts lol . Nice coincidence, i had no freaking idea this was an autoflower,and when it was flowering i just thought it was showing sex and it was also showing signs of herming but we fixed it thx to you agreeing that i was right,everyone else was tellin me thkse were female and i knew better
.just got done building this

It will have pine paneling and is.gonna be a sunroom bench for the wife

Nice!!! Looks good

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Appreciate the compliment grow bro

The whole point of combining threads is to reduce the number on the main feed. That is why they are getting moved and deleted in the first place.


Last pic I seen of the ladies was looking rly frosty. I’m excited you were able to save them for sure.

Here is an update on my little one.


Looks better.
Easy to spill water on seedling leaf tips.
I learned Dome watering.
Up-Pot-Planting in a week (or less)?
Congrats, Its alive!

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Dome was bumped off by my dog while I was not home… When I got back her leaves were all dried up an curled up to the lights due to the electric heating I have sucks the moisture out of the air, while the soil I had her in was too hot I removed her and redomed her for an additional 2 days then she was better. I also got a small humidifier in tent now.

Yes, can’t leave the farm, is a problem for all.
Good recovery.



What is this sir?

If a title has a mis-spelling it is harder to find once it’s archived. That’s all.

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Ok thx sir, Im learning the format is all. Appreciate the correction. Sometimes i type so fast and especially on here autocorrect doesnt take effect when im typing and i forget to proofread

No worries: that’s what they pay us the big bucks for.


I like youre humor, I’ve said that quote once or twice myself in my life