Ladybug in tent with flowering plant

I found this ladybug in my tent with my flowering auto should I remove it?


I don’t think it’s any danger whit her there… I also read something about this bug…and seems to be a natural predator for spider-mites and other little creatures.


I hope that doesn’t mean I have any of those bugs

It just wants some mary jane hopefully no clue how it got there! Lol

She’s searching for food and maybe was attracted by light. I personally will let her live there :slight_smile:


Search some info about her on internet

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Thanks for helping @M4ur no clue were she went but it’s in there somewhere. It’s a good thing they are beneficial. I went back to take it out lol

I would go outside and find more :wink:

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So if it can’t find anything to eat it will die…hmm wonder if it will find any :thinking: maybe put a rasin in there and a lil dish of water in case? But then it won’t eat the bad guys if there are any? This is certainly the learning experience haha I saw a few out in the vegetsble garden a few days ago wonder if i brought one in lol

Hey guys… Just do a good search on internet before you put any bugs in your grow space… I just tell you what I read on internet, I don’t do anything like that before.

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I see ladybugs for sale at my local garden center, and I’ve thought about buying some. The problem is that they don’t necessarily stay put, with an outdoor grow.


Yeah I see what you mean @M4ur seems like it’s mostly positive to have a ladybug from what I’m reading. Im not going to buy any though.

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I’ve read lady bugs are good as they will eat other critters in your tent.
I have found spiders in my tent before and let them be to eat other pests (as long as they didn’t start putting webs all over my plants.)
If it were me I would leave it in there and if it escapes then so be it. I don’t believe they will eat leafs or anything.


I found two spiders once in the tent but they didn’t stay. They freaked me out @Jmesser80 lol they met a gruesome fate.


I leave them in unless I see damage to the plants. I’ve never had a pest problem other than the few spiders so really I probably could have disposed of them.

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Fun fact. Lady bugs carry the most Sexually Transmitted Diseases out of all insects :slight_smile:


wtf…ladybugs carrying STD’s . no way!

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“Are believed to be…” Fake news - they don’t want to say it’s the muslim migrants :wink:

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Let her stay! She’ll eat all those awful bugs we fear. I think hogmaster has a formula to keep her well and happy inside. Am I correct @Hogmaster?


Ladybugs are beneficial bugs and will eat any fruit flies or aphids that are hanging around! When I grew in soil I actually bought 300 and released them lol, it was so cool to watch them eat bugs!

Plus, they’re good luck and good vibes!
