I’ve been disabled since 2014. Back issues from college football back in the early 1980’s. Nothing serious it just caught up to me and after two operations around 2000.
Been using cannabis for pain relief for years.
I have 2 tents; small tent 1 4’x4’x8’ and large tent 1 9’x5’x8’. The large tent has a 1’x5’x8’ partition with an upper and bottom area. I use for germination and rooting clones.
The large tent has:
Lighting - 2 HYPHOTONFLUXHPF4000’s, 4 Yescom 100w Red 660nm LED COB’s. 1 100w UVA LED.
The small tent has:
Lighting - 3 SPIDER FARMER SF-1000, 1 VIPARSPECTRA VS1000.
Currently using 2 GH Water Farm DWC modules and 8 Root Spa DWC modules.