Zampano's Second Grow 💨

Due to the fact that you can’t adjust/dim the 100 watt light I would leave it at 36 in. If you notice legginess then move it…

I would use that light through seedling. Once you transplant switch it over to your regular lights with your manufacturers requested strength and height.

Get rid of that helmet head


How’s everything going on new batch?


3/4 have broke soil.
2 of them have their domes off - gave them both about 12 ml of water yesterday (distilled).

The 3rd is still under her dome because, look at her.
The 4th is still under her dome but im not seeing ANY sort of action (i may just scrap her).

These two larger ones - one is 4 days, the other 5 days.

They look on track?

This one that’s laying down, i dont know what to do about her. She came out weird and crooked. Hoping she’ll recover buuuut…

They’re just under an inch tall.


Did a thing last night.

I’ve never seen my wife so tore up. :joy:


How did you decide when to remove the domes? Mine are still in place after 4 days now. The seedlings aren’t spread out much, but they are getting pretty close to touching the top.


@Lostgirl said to take them off when they were about an inch tall so i went with that.


Keep in mind if your RH in the tent is not in check then you use the domes for sure. As long as you’re RH is fine in the tent the domes aren’t required after about an inch.

Rh and temps should be up to par during seedling stage if ever you needed it to!

I personally like 75° - 80° and 75% - 80% RH until veg.

Also, on your last one that’s still under the done do a test. Leave it under the dump until it reaches the top of the dome and compare the growth


I use 2 liter bottles cut in half for domes


I’ve cut bottles in half, used cupcake clam shell containers, and whatever it takes to make a dome. Proper temperature in relative humidity is the key. The domes are utilized when your environment is subject to difficult controlling. They fill the void by adding the protected trapped moisture in an enclosed area providing better relative humidity.

I use domes a lot at first when I had issues controlling my environment. Once I was able to come to the realization the only way to control your environment is to spend money on equipment that will allow you to do so.

So yes, domes are majorly important when you’re not on point in the tent


Do you think they are looking on point?


Well, they’re green, they’re above ground. Typically an autoflower should be at least this size by day 13

Don’t overwater, keep the environment in check. If the environment goes outside of parameters replace the dome.

And cross your fingers :open_mouth:


You can test this girl by leaving the dome one until she gets half of the size of this girl


How often do they need to be watered?

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When it’s dry. When your 75°, - 80° in your tent the little bit of water you give will dry quick.