You think deficiency?

You don’t need to PH straight R/O or distilled: there’s nothing there to move the PH and any reading is invalid.

Just an FYI

Good catch on the amount: I didn’t see it.


good to know, thanks! us AN growers duck out of a lot of this stuff :slight_smile:

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Yeah but it’s king when you are watering seedlings and you don’t have to put ONE drop of PH down in the water then use two tablespoons haha. I just douche em with R/O and never look back.


I didn’t see that either.

Hmmm, I only used their pH perfect Trio, but I remember the dosing was pretty low. Much lower than 15ml per gallon. More like 2ml per liter, so around 6.5ml per gallon.


Cal mag is likely but I know excess can show deficiency in other minerals. Would be nice to see runoff numbers…

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at this stage of the game full dose would be 16ml. i found 100% to be too strong.

i just did a quick search and @BIGE used AN in soil. i want to help but somehow using this stuff in soil hurts my head.

i do stand by my runoff recommendation though. all sortsa bad things happen when the salt builds up. a few folks flush before flower starts too.


I meant he might be seriously overfeeding & starting to lock it all out. You know how that nute lockout chain reaction goes. Just need to figure out his medium’s pH and ppm’s.


I dont add any nutes to the ocean forest for the first 2 weeks. 3rd week I add 1/4 dose, 4th week 1/2 and 5th week I add full dose of parts A and B AN Sensi Grow.

Right now I am splitting a gallon of water between the 4 of them. I feed each plant until I see run off. This is done once per week. Plants need water about every other day. I use RO water only on my plants.

I have a ph test kit that I use for my pool. It reads only to 6.8 at the lowest using color shades. The water is slightly lighter than 6.8 on the test kit. I’ll pick up one that can read lower ppm.

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Check that P H at the run off and let us know

What’s the Right pH?

Soil – 6.0-7.0 pH
Hydro/Soilless/Coco – 5.5-6.5 pH
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Accurate pH readings help. But these dang fangled ph perfect companys :joy:. I still stand by cal deficiency. But can understand the reasoning for double checking meters. Im 50% sure mines has boinkd on me.

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Root bound just my .02…:wink:

Hey everyone, thanks for all the replies.

@Thumper I dont think its root bound. Seems like I’ve been dealing with this shortly after I went into 3gal pots.

I’m going to try and grab a more accurate device today. My ph tester only reads to 6.8. I tested the ro and the run and both were the same color shade on the ph tester. I stuck the ph probe in the soil again last night around 10pm and the soil tested at 7.0 ph.

I’m going to be transplanting into 5gal this weekend. I’ll be able to check the roots when I pull it. I’ll also try and get an accurate Slurry test.

Maybe I’m not watering enough like @Agrestic said?

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All of those PH testing methods simply don’t wirk. Cheap soil probes are worthless and drops or strips nowhere near accurate enough for our use.

Spend the money now and buy a decent meter. Get some cal mag as Purp suggested.


great advise @Myfriendis410


Just curious, I have heard that led lights pull allot of calmag out of plants, hence the need for calmag at every feed, or water? Servey says…?

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Any high intensity lighting is going to do that IMO. Higher PPFD means more overall nutrient transport so would expect needing a higher overall TDS with Gucci lights haha.


You have the p h of tje soil to look out for as well as what you put in …think about it…

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What you hear and whats the truth are two different things. And hear say i dont listen to… just my two cents

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Could just be better lights = hungrier plants. But I also know a guy whom has been growing the same strain, clones since 2007, as soon as he went from hid to “burples” he seen deficiencies in the first week that he never had before. But then again burple, not white leds… I honestly believe he just needed to up his nutes and feed them a little better, but he has been growing this strain a long time, so I just kept to myself :wink:

Hey everyone. I went ahead and moved them to 5gal pots. I didn’t see a lot of roots. I did have one question come to mind. I was splitting 1 gal of feed between the 4 of them. Maybe I was feeding enough?

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