Wildwood WilIys' Fat Bottomed Girl's

Thanks bro , appreciate the compliment :pray:


Grape Octane Auto
She’s 50 days up, 7 in flower. Still stretching but slowing down. She was top dressed 10 days ago which appears to have been a bit late so I gave her some AN & Calmagic to hold her over and get some micros in her quickly.

Malana Cream
70 days up, 27 in flower. She’s heavily seeded, hell she puts octomom to shame :laughing:. Coco and summer work load isn’t mixing so well as you can tell by her leaves but it doesn’t seem to be slowing her down much. Her leaves aren’t clawing she’s just working on her kung fu grip. :wink:

70 days up, 1 minute in flower. She started flowering the day before mother nature decided to super crop her :dizzy_face: and she wasn’t gentle about it none. Of course the bugs took that as an invitation. At least ipm is easier now that I can reach the top :laughing: … Damnit :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Hell of an update Brother. You got it growing on everywhere. Digging the lady in the maternity ward :grin::love_you_gesture:


She’s got it good…breakfast in bed, a gentle breeze and Sativi Wonder playing softly in the background :grin:


:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: spoil that lady :love_you_gesture:



85 days up, 22 in flower. I removed the 5’ of wilting broken top. Other than that she’s doing fairly well. I think her stretch is about done.
She’s getting kelp, recharge, silica, amino, enzymes and sweet tea. So far the bugs are leaving her be due to her sweet disposition, that and alternating showers of Dr Earth final stop & LCPT.

Malana Cream

85 days up, 48 in flower looking hot, umm I mean burnt all up :joy:

I’m not sure how many seeds a plant can make but she’s loaded.
Got these off one small bud…

Grape Octane Auto

63 days up, 21 in flower. I had to put the filter on exhaust as the house is smelling a bit like grape jelly. Struggling with getting her right. In the past 2 weeks I’ve upped mag, topped with flwr gurl, alfalfa, kelp, worm poo, composted biochar, recharge, molasses, amino, burgmans pk boost. Tried changing watering from wet/dry to less more often.

I hired a consultant, luckily he works for peanuts.


now thats a good meme…


Phenomenal update Brother, digging those beautiful outdoor ladies. Sweet Meme :love_you_gesture:


Thanks @Retiredoldguy
& @OGIncognito . Sorry it took so long to respond, it’s been a busy day.

I’ve been messing around with AI, it’s pretty cool well except for the whole potential apocalypse thing




Grape Octane Auto
28 days flowering. Hopefully I got a handle on this gurl. She’s starting to stack, frost and getting some color in her cheeks. She’s changed her perfume to more spicy than grapey, I guess that comes with age.

Malana Cream
92 days up, 49 in flower.
What can I say, the pics speak for themselves smh. The poor thing is loosing her hair too…not sure if that’s caused by a jankie grower or from being so heavily seeded??
Her smell is mostly spicy/woody outside with a lemon/watermelon inner.

I’m blaming this guy :grin:

92 days, 29 flowering
She had a branch get loose at the meristem from the storm yesterday so it’s all droopy, we’ll see what it does. She’s been eating her large fans, about 50 this week but ya can’t tell it. I’ll give her another day to dry out some then throw her a tea party. She has a mild skunk smell which isn’t what I expected, I suspect her lineage has been sullied… damn stoners, that’s why we can’t have good stuff :joy:


Sweet update Brother, sounds like you’ve got some nice scents coming through the grow space :love_you_gesture:

Typical woman :grin::grin::grin:


Bro!!! Dang those are some beautiful plants inside and out!!! After seeing all those updates I feel like your little guy are to be doing a mic drop and walking off stage :love_you_gesture::call_me_hand::sunglasses::facepunch::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


FACTS :ok_hand::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::facepunch::sunglasses::call_me_hand::love_you_gesture:


Appreciate the compliments bro :pray:
Now if they’ll only stay that way :laughing:


Willy your plants look absolutely gorgeous indoors and outside. One thing I noticed when you post your pictures is the strain names. What seed breeder are they?

Looks like you’re killing it indoors. I struggled over the summer with my indoor. Temps here we’re basically triple digits daily even with air conditioned loug room I had 90 degree days in the tent. Very disappointed.


Thank you ma’am. I get em happy once in a while and take some pics then they pitch a fit and I have to drag em across the finish line half dead at times :laughing:

The 2 Indian landrace photos are from the real seed co through seedsman. They’re outside toys…6’-19’ potential height range.
The Grape Octane Auto is ILGM

I hear ya the swings in outdoor temp/humidity and indoor comfort setpoints makes it difficult for me to keep my tents consistent…well unless always jacked up counts as consistent

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Grape Octane Auto
11 weeks above ground, 5 in flower.

She’s 98 days up, 28 in flower.

This girls a trooper, mother nature’s been pounding her and she’s still rocking steady. I took this pic during the recent storms…

Malana Cream
98 days up, 56 in flower. She’s so pissed she throws seeds at me when I open the tent :beans: :face_with_head_bandage: :laughing:

I don’t know what another month for this one will look like. Changed nutes to mega crop this week, we’ll see, hopefully it helps :pray:


Excellent update Brother :muscle:. I’m really digging that Parvati, she’s sexy :love_you_gesture:

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Appreciate ya bro

Yea, she’s so sweet the bugs bite her and get diabetes…fall off and can’t see to climb back on