That’s a great idea…and to see how they smoke at each age too. I was thinking one ounce a plant too when I started…that was way off! They do get big when we blast them with nutes & light!
I wanted to do a semi-full cure and re-weigh them after 4-6 weeks…but my boys keep raiding the CVaults, especially since I bought us all the mini CVaults for head stash. They keep coming over my house, peek in all the tents, and then fill up their minis! LOL At least they bring beer every time!
I put two seeds in soil today, and one more started to pop, i need to get some soil.
what do you guys think happy frog, pro mix, ocean forest, or a coco perlite mix? @Unknown@Oldguy@Holmes@Dman1969
i have been using happy frog, but i have always used pro mix until the last few months, but i would like to try coco some time.
I’m a pro mix guy myself. I’ve never tried any of the others to be fair tho.
If I was going to change things up I’d go to a full hydro set up.
I’ve seen drip tables up close and like the speed and vigorous growth in water. Far far ahead of soil.
yea i used pro mix for years but i live in the city now and couldnt find it any where and it was way to much money for order so i went with the happy frog, and i think it is close to being comparable to pro mix.
Seedlings, I like to do a 50/50 ffof an ffhf top half an strait ffof on the bottom, no nutes for a few weeks I’m the opposite of @oldguy I’ve never tried pro mix lmao. Just my 2 pennies
Well now me being a coco grower I am partial, I do use pro mix for seedlings and fresh rooted clones. I will say if you want the most from coco you got to spend some time feeding, everyday if you use perlite!
Ok, I do think I am going to go with coco on my next grow, prob just go with soil this time cuz I have a lot of other stuff to do. With the other big grow, and I am starting to mushroom grows this week, and I just got all kinds of stuff that I need to build into the room, but I will be asking you a lot of ?s in a few months.
Well the ones in my big room just started to bud so they should be finishing up around the same time. I think there is 17 in my big room, and 13 left in my small room and then I just dropped 6 seed for this new grow. I may try to scrog these ones and see how it goes.