What's Your (Other) Hobby?

could i possibly pick your brains about a salt water set up? i dont plan on starting it for a minute but i promised my grandson a tank with fish. your set up is beautiful

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Sure. If you want salt water, I’d suggest getting onto Facebook and look locally for used equipment and advice. I’d start out with fish only. There’s a lot to this hobby. Just keeping the salinity where it needs to be is the first think, I could go on and on, what’s your questions?


which fish would be the easiest for starting out

Kids like clown fish. Get a pair. Put the pair in first. It’s very important what order you populate the aquarium. No damsels, no tangs, etc. two clowns, not one, not three or more. Two


thank you

I was looking around and saw a thread that you were talking about recipes to make vape oil from concentrate. I am in the process of making some RSO that is not decarbed yet do you have one of those recipes easy to find somewhere?

That rain drop damascus pattern!

I used to have sw tanks too! Loved the hobby but got out when the littles came. Man i miss it though.

I’m currently making Japanese style kitchen knives, gyuto and nakiri , very thin grinds, very sharp.
Here’s some work-in-progress:


Those blades will keeeel. The tanto knife was equally impressive also.

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As self taught ‘chef’ I would love to have something like that. I have my Global Sai chef’s knife and that thing is like my prized possession.

Sorry I can’t PM you. On Instagram I’m kenbrightknives.
Endurance running impresses me. When I was younger I ran alot of 10Ks, did some trail running.
One time I was hiking with my wife in the Santa Cruz mountains (California), she went off trail to squat and pee, woke up that rattle snake that she was peeing on. He slithered between her feet, she jumped higher than I’ve ever seen before.

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Replying above.

OMG, your poor wife! Me and small skunk had an unfortunate meeting a year ago. He came out of the tall grassy ditch and ran along the ditch same direction I was going. So I cross to the other side of the road to keep going. I thought I was clear of him and for some idiotic reason just HAD to get back to that side of the road and he lifted his tail. I didn’t think I got sprayed until the wind changed directions. It wasn’t bad but what a stupid thing of me to have done. :laughing:

I will have to get my husband to pull up Instagram. I never started that one. I ditched Facebook about 6 months ago and this is the only social media I interact with but I would love to see them. I love knives. My husband got me one made with mammoth bone handle. It is so amazing to hold something that was living on this planet thousands of years ago.

Holy necropost Batman,
I’m reviving this thread because we kinda hijacked a different thread with guitar talk

So what’s your other hobby

On a side note, you look so much like my brother
@Myfriendis410 its kinda creepy


Funny: I look a lot like MY brother LMAO.

Here’s a couple more:


That first pic the resemblance is remarkable. I don’t have a pic of him to post, nor would I since he might have a problem with me posting his pic here, but it really is uncanny

Wth ts that a flintlock musket in that last one? Looks like something from a video game

1874 Sharps reproduction in 45/70: my ‘target’ rifle lol. 13 pounds empty.

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Sounds like a work out :muscle: just lifting up to aim

Ok so I’m 51 and been playing since I was 12. You’d think I’d be better but all self taught and so I’m ok at it.

Here are some of my toys…