What’s the Best trimming scissors?

Who wastes $20 on a canna brush when it’s seriously a cut down BBQ brush from the dollar general :joy::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:
Don’t knock the method​:joy::rofl:. I hand trim some but my finger blow up like Mickey mouse hands. By day 2 I’m using it IDC what trichomes I knock off :rofl::joy:

happy birthday or christmas, maybe mother’s day, I call them my personal holiday.
You will like the trim tray. Lots of good stuff falls through the screen

Dry trim hand saver

For kicks I may take a trip to the $ store for a silicon basting brush. I can see it working

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I hope so.I already have a brush like the 1 u mentioned I use them for bbq. lol but I’m waiting patiently for the harvest time…

Thank god tomorrow is Friday … everybody deserves a cold beer and a fat doob!!!


Welp here she is my first grow and harvest ever

Gettin ready for round 2…:partying_face:


@SlowFatGuy Your baaaaack! Looks tastey!! How’d that gear work out for you??

Yes sir…
and not to sure how much I like the trimmer bowl… but man it sure did knock the trimming time down a ton … I’m ready to start my 2nd grow…
And see how it goes…


Well after all the work I put in finally sampled a piece and all I can say is wow great taste and smooth kinda a lemon slash pine taste
And gets me stoned as fuk…


All I can say to that is “Winner winner chicken dinner!!” whatever that means lmao!! Glad to hear it all paid off in the end!! :+1:t2::green_heart::seedling::sunglasses:

Very tasty looking buds :evergreen_tree::white_check_mark:
Nice job and congratulations :tada: on your first harvest


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You have the response time of a……slow fat guy lmao

Yea sorry bout that… been busy scraping the ceilings tryin to get the popcorn texture off been kickin my ass…:rofl:
And have issues with my white widow seeds not wanting to germinate…
how’ ya been

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@SlowFatGuy living the Dream as they say…who are ‘they’ anyways lol. Waiting on my GSC to finish up although I’m troubleshooting some sort of lock out issue that I ignored previously lol. What’s up with your new batch?

So far outta 6 beans only 1 has germinated … started the process Sunday . So kinda stumped should I scrap the rest of them and start over with some diff beans? What would u do

@SlowFatGuy whats been your method?

Paper towel with wrap over top of the bowl in 71-72 degrees in the dark

My last ones did fine same setup

Think I’m going to try a strain from ethos they got 1 that sounds good

@SlowFatGuy First I like the 48 hr soak in a cup of water in total darkness followed by a close second of folded wet paper towels in a ziploc. Both I would do on a warm surface which for me is a seedling heat mat.

I’ve read some of scuffing the seeds a tad with sandpaper and/or adding a bit of peroxide to the water.

@SlowFatGuy we could Poll the Class if you’d like?