Welcome to the Grow Support category

Thanks for the supercropping suggestion.


Thanks you always come through for me :innocent:


@Budbrother hello brother :love_you_gesture: I thought if you leave the zip ties on they will choke it off?


You should remove once it heals/knots up, but no harm if ya forget either. You’ll still pull weight.

I wish I still had pix to show you mine. The meristem grew right over it and absorbed it; like a tree does when it grows through a chain link fence.


That person is No where near healed up yet.

The electrical tape doesn’t breathe, so it will hold moisture, and it can cause rot, if taped up too tightly. Removing it allows it to hold together and breathe, until it heals, is the way to go.


Teflon tape works great for wrapping broken branches.


@plumbdand hey brother are those timers you have connected to that flex pipe & if so where did you get them? If you don’t mind me asking :grin:


Those are irrigation timers they sell them at home depot, ace hardware, lowes. They are normally hooked up to outside hosebibs/faucets. I run them inline like that. That’s a soaker hose hooked up to it and looped back to the y adapter to make a complet circle. That way the water is distributed evenly throughout the entire soaker hose. Its mainly there to water the cover crop growing around the plants. I think it takes 2 or 3 double AA batteries. I change the batteries maybe once every 2 years.


Nice :+1: I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you!
Nice looking plants :heart_eyes:


Good video on different soils. Maybe some have seen it.


Any thoughts on why my plants are doing this? They’re in an outdoor greenhouse. Following the fertilizer guide to the letter. This just happened seemingly overnight.

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@DANtifa Your plant has damped off. If the stem gets wet or stays wet it causes it to damp off notice how the bottom of the stem is smaller than the top it should be the other way around. Always water in a ring around the seedling or plant and don’t get the stem wet. You can get it wet just make sure it doesn’t stay wet. I would add some more soil to the top to reinforce the plant. :v::call_me_hand:
I forgot to say welcome to the forum


You are also going to need a lot more light than you currently have on the plant.


Good information there. Now I have a way better understanding of the Purple Cow soil. Thanks for sharing. :+1::+1::wink:


@Fishi not sure what to say… on my phone and my laptop that button is there at the top right of the screen…


@Fishi , Just follow this link and you should be good :+1:

You can’t miss the new topic button there :wink:


1st time grower here. I am in Upstate NY along the Canadian border. my Amnesia haze (Fern), and Purple Indica Kush(Lenny) have started flowering but not my Girl Scout Cookies. (Jamiroqai)
Should I be worried?

1st and 2nd pic is my GSC, Jamiroqai from May 14 2024 to today, September 6th 2024. I am realizing I should have "Scrogd"my plants. I ended up with a torn rotator cuff however and unable to drive the 11foot stakes I bought I am also unable to to move the fabric containers apart. If I found someone to do so, how would we do so without ripping? :frowning:

3rd and 4th pic my Purple Indica Kush, Lenny

9feet tall :sweat_smile: I am 5’3

5th and 6th, my Amnesia Haze, Fern

From left to right, Amnesia Haze, purple Indica Kush, and my Girl scout cookies that is not flowering.

What strain, Girl scout cookies not flowering yet. No extra leaf production. I also have PIK and Amnesia haze.
-Age of plant- transplanted May 14th see photos
-Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF organic fox farms layerd with pea gravel, coco coir and a mixture of cox farms and sardines under each plant in 30 gallon fabric containers.
-PH and TDS of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable) no
-PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable no
-Method used to measure PH and TDS hydrometer and soil acidity tester

  • Outdoor
    -Current Light Schedule Upstate NY full sun table
    -Temps; around 60s or 70s
    -Humidity; Day, Night average
    -Ventilation system; No,
    -AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, No
    -Co2; No



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Your girls look outstanding and there ain’t nothin wrong. that’s just the fade plants have you most definitely have it Growin On!! I don’t see any tip burn so you may could up the feed a tad :+1::+1::+1::+1::v::call_me_hand:


1st time grower. Jut seeking support and reassurance. Gold Leaf plant picture. Outdoor grow, feminized seeds from ILGM.
Pics are from today. Can you guesstimate the remaining grow time till harvest from the picture? These plants had a late start. Germinated in mid to late June. They are now five to six ft tall and as you can see they just began budding. Worried we might run out of “growing time” for the buds to reach proper trichome stage for harvest.