Weedpatch the Weedville anex for those who want to be closer to nature

Caught me with my pants down…lmafoe%5B1%5D


Now That would be awesome…I tried to warm up the Harley yesterday , but she wouldn’t start…I’ll work on that today for sure.


This weather is unreal! you know its going to freeze 1 more time . But enjoy it while you can!


Oh I know, but we’re almost out of the woods.
And hey I get the Harley fired up SWEEEEEEEEET !!!


I’m going to get some bat guano and work castings. How much you put in a 1.5 cu ft. bag of soil? asking for a friend lol passing-joint-smiley-emoticon


a friend gave me this @Sasquatch lol

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Thanks @BIGE I think I have that saved… @garrigan62 has it as a
large bag of soil. is that 18 qt, 1 cu ft 1.5 cu ft pr 3 cu ft
doesn’t make a big difference in the worm castings but some of that other stuff it could be a huge difference!. The peddler only gave me 5 seeds for my cow so I don’t want to mess them up…! lol

@BIGE you ever use Flower Power nutes

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no, i have not…are they good?
i thought about trying the tablets for soil,but haven’t yet.

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I’m going to find out. Not real sure how often to give them. I got the starter /sample pak. its suppose to be able to do 3 plants. I plan on 2 but its not a lot of product so you cant use it like you would a FF trio .

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it will not let me upload chart for some reason…
go to seed shop click nutrients then click on any of them, scroll down and there is a chart to use…hope that helps



You’ll need to make your self some tea, here are a few…

The I put 2 cups of it in a blender (before you ask no it’s not the one from the kitchen) and turn it to talcum like powder. To make actual tea -
Put 1cap of castings powder in a clean 1 gallon jug
Add warm 7.0pH water to fill the jug
Shake it throughly to mix
Set the mixed jug in a warm dart place and age 7 days
After 7 days you have worm castings tea
You can use it to feed/water as needed
I use it every watering.


Other than worms, compost teas may be one of the best tools in any growers toolbox. A compost tea is a natural fertilizer made by soaking some high-quality compost in water and adding in fungal and bacteria foods. This grows beneficial microbes for your plant.

When making a compost tea, aeration is incredibly important. If you do not continuously aerate the tea, the microbes will quickly use up the oxygen and your tea will become anaerobic. Finegardening.com has a nice compost tea recipe. You may want to swap out the molasses for some diluted humid acid.

Humboldt’s Royal Gold coco fiber soils are inoculated with compost teas in the moments prior to packaging. However, you’ll want to spray the tea on your plants every week or two. Make a new tea each time, as the tea must be used within 2 hours after turning off the aeration motor.

For an incredibly potent natural fertilizer, you can also make worm casting teas. This tea is incredibly rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). Nutrients are locked inside of the castings. These nutrients are released when bacteria and other microbes eat the castings. So, you’re providing a powerful natural fertilizer as well as the microbes needed to break it down with this tea. A nice resource on worm teas is found here.

Add bacterial foods

Super Soil 3 7 Super Soil #3: All About Those Mighty Microbes
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Bacteria love to eat sugars and carbohydrates. To encourage bacterial growth you add these foods to well-aerated soil. The most common is molasses. Some people also use natural fruit preserves. These foods should be diluted in water before application.

Add fungal foods

Super Soil 3 8 Super Soil #3: All About Those Mighty Microbes
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There are a couple of great fungal foods. The best is humid acid, which can be purchased at most grow shops or gardening stores. You can also use fish hydrolysate diluted in water.

You can also add mycorrhizal fungi to your soil mixture before you plant. 85 to 95% of plants form beneficial relationships to mycorrhizal fungi, so make sure you have some in your soil!

Things that harm soil microbiology

Just as there are ways to encourage microbial growth, there are also ways to drain your soil of nutrients. Unfortunately, some of the most common growing practices can actually hinder soil microbiology. Here are a couple of things to be weary of:


Super Soil 3 9 Super Soil #3: All About Those Mighty Microbes
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Though many love Epsom salts for gardening, applying too much salt actually sucks water away from tiny-celled bacteria and kills them. Other salts found in inorganic fertilizers do the same thing. When you’re buying products, read the ingredients and avoid products that contain salts.


Super Soil 3 10 Super Soil #3: All About Those Mighty Microbes
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This is really only relevant to people who are planting directly in the ground. When you till soil, the blades of your plow drastically decrease soil microbiology. It does this in two ways:
•Tilling chops up larger fungi and simple organisms, leaving only bacteria
•Tilling compacts the soil, creating an anaerobic environment

After you till, the top layer of soil might look nice and fluffy. Yet, the moment you apply water, the soil compacts and drastically limits oxygen. Because you’ve tilled, you probably killed off many of the earthworms that would have otherwise aerated the soil for you. This lack of oxygen combined with any plant material you tilled under creates the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

Rather than till, you can use mulch mixtures to smother any weeds in the area you want to use for growing. If you’re able to plan ahead and put down this mulch in the winter, then you’re golden. A good resource on no-till gardening can be found here.

If you do need to disturb the soil to break up compaction, it’s best to do so in the winter to let the soil rebuild again before you plant. Cover the broken up soil with high-quality compost, reintroduce good bacteria with compost teas, and cover the area with a layer of mulch. You’ll also want to reintroduce earthworms after the last frost.

As we mentioned in the first segment of this series, there are a lot of different philosophies about how to best grow cannabis. Cultivating microbial health is one way to work with nature to get great results. When you rely heavily on additives and inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, you sacrifice the diverse expression of essential oils and other plant compounds.

However, if you’re looking to quickly create a high-yielding crop, many growers would prefer to use other more commercial growing methods. Regardless, creating healthy soil is a surefire way to grow healthy, happy plants.



Hey @Sasquatch Is that you knock’n on my door…hmmmmm


Hey Thanks @garrigan62 I might just be ready when it comes planting time!

@garrigan62 I found a guy has a “kit” for a super soil organic grow. this is what’s in it. you have to mix it with 1-1.5 cu ft of soil and add 6bls of worm castings.
I have 1 more pot to decide what to put in it… I may try it. what you think of it?

.3125 lb. - 5 oz. Fish Bone Meal 3-16-0
.3125 lb. - 5 oz. Steamed Bone Meal 2-14-0
.625 lb. - 10 oz. Bat Guano 0-7-0
.3125 lb. - 5 oz. Blood Meal 13-0-0
.3125 lb. - 5 oz. Feather Meal 12-0-0
1/16 cup Soluble Kelp Powder 0-0-17
1/16 cup Mycorrhizal Fungi (300 spores per gram)
3/4 tsp. Powdered Humic Acid (90%Pure)
.375 lb. Colloidal Rock Phosphate 0-3-0
3/32 cup Epsom Salt
1/16 cup Sweet Lime (Dolomite)
1/16 cup Azomite (67 Trace Elements)
1 tsp. Potassium Sulfate 0-0-53


Yup that works, and is just about what I use only broken down a bit more for the amounts…PERFECT !

And here is the Bubble Bag s I was talking to you about. These are the ones I use.




Cool, @garrigan62 I saved the bubble bag link. I’ll have to get one of them!
guess Ill go ahead and try that soil out and see how it goes.

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all write my friend.
I going out this afternoon to get my supplies for transplant my girls,
Got some other supplies i’ll have to order off Amazon
So it looks like we’ll both be busy getting supplies. lmafoe%5B1%5D


I hear ya @garrigan62 I’m headed to the grow shop this weekend to get a few more things. then its just a wait for that last frost! going to be a good grow I know!dancing-to-music-smiley-emoticon

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