Congrats man!
Just following the benevolence of thine Wizard.
Congrats! I’m happy for you, well deserved credit!!
And the Weiner is… @SausageMahoney ! Congrats!
Congratulations way to go @SausageMahoney
Awlright good job.
I really appreciate everyone’s kind words and being able to interact with great community, a wide array of folks with a common love… I’d like to thank the Academy for sports and outdoor and the right stuff at the right price.
Tell her she only has so many shots at the Valued Member of the Month. She should feel privileged to stay in the same house. Every piece you miss is one you cannot make up, a wise old man told me that once and he was right, every extra is just another you could have had anyway. Congrats Brother!
Lol she’ll hit me with a VMOM vs real mom.
You could show her your most valued member….
I got 2 kids… she’s seen it twice.
Without a test or a mini-me lookalike can any of us boys be sure lmao???
You’re right… she probably never saw it. We do have a mini me. The older one not too sure about…
Sometimes I’m not really hunting, just like to target practice!
Milkman strikes again!
I am the milkman… probably the mailman? Boy looks like he might go postal at times.
Congratulations @SausageMahoney !
Congratulations Keep on keepin on Brother!
Congrats!!! @SausageMahoney