Always willing to help a fellow Minnesnowtin out. Was great shooting the shit with you sir. I of course had to stop at Greener Gardens and spend money I shouldn’t have. As for my identity I’m just a lowly bridge troll.
My wife was pleased to know that I wasn’t murdered by a random stranger I met on the internet haha. Tell your wife thank you for that delicious muffin. I forgot to thank her while I was there.
I changed my car horn to the sound of gun shots…people get out of the way much quicker now.
Last year I joined a Procrastinators Support Group…we haven’t met yet.
Be good to each other.
Take care hope your healing is going well…
Thank you for the well wishes. I am learning a lot about the steps necessary to initiate the benefits that I am entitled to from my medicare plan. I am glad that I planned and signed up for the plan I have. I finally will meet with the Cardiologist in charge of my care tomorrow. They needed a push, but I feel that the wheels are beginning to turn.
My buddy Mike had a shirt that said Procrastinators of the world unite… Tomorrow
Unfortunately, we both know where that got me, lol
Cool thanks man. I’ll show that photo to Jim and see if he can tell me any good stories about him and Pete’s run ins with her.
I miss hearing from you, are you doing alright?
Thank you for reaching out. I’m just not in my right state of mind anymore. I lost my very best friend who was more of a brother to me for the last 40 plus years to a heart attack. I haven’t been right since.
I’m here brother! I’m just waiting to get my sense of humor back
Sorry to hear about your friend @Lostgirl
As they say time heals all wounds, but it doesn’t make it suck any less. Hope you find your smile again soon. The world and this forum needs your sense of humor.
Thank you @Grimman78
I have been itching for an assessment of my recent harvest. Finally, my wife’s niece is coming over for freebie. I believe that I have my guinea pig
Which you talking? Left or right?
Good looking sweater anyway!