Twelve1’s Journal: Autoflowers in Soil with Grow Dots

LOL, glad you guys liked it!

@Fiz Sorry that you needed novocain, though!
Wishing you a quick healing!

Ha, that should work!
I find it good for all sorts of moods, as in my procrastination mood earlier today. :smile:


Brought my wife out of a funk


Ahh, sweet, Plumb!


There are times when I can relate to having this as my spirit animal.


Three seeds had tails yesterday and were planted in the evening.

The other one had a tail late this morning and was planted then, though I was going to plant the seed anyway, as it had soaked enough/more than enough, lol.
I was slow this morning.

Unlike last the last seed-planting experiment, which mostly failed, this time I didn’t plant them too deep and they’ll have consistent temps (despite aiming for that, long story short).

This is usually what I’ve done, which has been successful.

Soooo … :crossed_fingers:


You got me on that one, I was sure it was a sloth! :sloth::sloth::sloth:


Beautiful colors 12!


Yeah, me too! :grin:


Hello to blueberry, on the left, and purple urkle, of course on the right! :partying_face:

Though, I still have some re-learning to do as the cream and critical bit the dust before sprouting.

It’s all on me, the same/similar issues as before.
They germinated/rooted just fine, the seeds were fine.

When I heard about the direction of seed planting, I overthunk it, so that seems to be part of my recent problem, I think that’s the biggest problem.

So, I did some reading - it seems that planting them up or sideways is best.
It’s the “up” that got me, long story short.

I used to plant seeds sideways, and I’m just going back to planting sideways, like before, before my early grows went sideways, get it? :crazy_face:

So yesterday evening, I started soaking two more seeds, another and final-in-my-possession Honey Cream auto, and an ILGM Tangie auto.

I have 9 more tangies, as I split a 10+10 sale with Lacewing late 2023.
He was growing a couple of them at the time of his passing.
They were in veg and looked wonderful.

Lacewing also gifted the blueberry, among some other seeds, so part of this grow is Lacewing-inspired, thank you fallen growmie!
:blueberries: :tangerine:

Hopefully I won’t mess up these two (current soaking seeds).
If I do, then I don’t know if I’ll re-try more at the moment, since I don’t have a separate/dedicated germination area.

Though, I have plenty of tangies to experiment with, if needed, along with some CBD autos; I bought five on sale, they sent me eleven, along with different CBD strain I bought on sale, they sent six and I paid for five.

Anyway, blah blah blah! :smile:


Sneaking this onto your journal since I’m moribund journal - wise at the moment.

My home crew tomorrow.


@Fiz :joy: :rofl: :laughing:
Thank you, that’s hilarious!!!
I’m going to post it in my mewe group!

I’m guessing that it’s a new super bowl commercial, released this weekend? Edit: I see on YT it was posted six days ago.


I cried I laughed so hard. Odie thought I was laughing at him and got all insulted.

The Boss laughed his ass off too.