Transplanted today and this happens any guess what this is

Transplant to veg. 04/29/23
30 day Propagation.
Purple punch from i.l.g.m.
Media is fox farm happy frog.
No nutes yet.
Rain water
Added cal-mag plus


Temperate is 70°f dark cycle
78°f light 58% to 72% rh.
Vipraspectra p2500 at 50 % 24 inches away.


@nosaj Looks like they may have gone dry on you at one point.
You’ll prob have to back fill the stems too or they’ll get top heavy and fall over. :wink:
Btw. Those affected leaves won’t recover. They usually dry up and fall off.



@Oldguy is absolutely right. Bury the stalks a little better, or they will definitely tip. As far as the leaves, that’s shock. When you transplant, the plant has to acclimate to a new environment and is “shocked.” Basically, it scares the shit out of them. They’ll recover. The bottom leaves will fall off, or you can pluck them. All in all, she’ll be just fine.



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How did you start them?

These guys have you covered with what the cause is ,imjust wondering


:thinking:. Not quite sure what you mean brother.

Yes they’re damaged on the affected leaves but … I’m a little confused by the comment. :joy:


More of the fact as the plant tries to acclimate to its new environment the leaves dry out trying to either give water to other areas or from transpiration

The resulting affect is called stomata


That’s not quite correct.

The stomata control the process.
The resulting yellow and spotting is from the damaged stoma being unable to regulate the lack of moisture in the leaf.



Thanks for the clarification I’ve always referred to it as stomata being the spotting not the process of it happening

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All good brother. :grin:
Lil bit of Sunday morn education for all. :joy:
Have a great day my friend.


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Thanks a bunch still a rookie

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In 4 gallon pots i didn’t propogate.
I used the paper towel baggie method for germinating

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Do you think this takes care of my top heavy problem?

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Thanks for the stomata info that was some good info to further grace my cultivation skills

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That should take care of my top heavy problem does it not?

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I was asking about what everyone thought was happening on the affected leaves.
Sometimes bong ripping while laughin my ass off to some Rick & Morty makes for some abstract texting :smiley:

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Looks good.
If you get the leaves just wiggling with the fan , that will help strengthen the stems as well.


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