我使用的灯是高压钠灯 1000w,我开了750w的功率,照度计显示是16000,温度是25,今天是破土的第三天,温度是25摄氏度,湿度是百分之70,我种下了8颗现在都发芽了,基本都长得和图片里一样高,我想知道到底是哪里出了问题,我第一次种植,非常需要你们的帮助,感谢你们!
我不确定你的光。我不知道什么是高压钠。我们使用全光谱 LED。
Wow. You’re pretty awesome.
Welcome to the community !
HPS =High pressure sodium. They are for flower they need metal halide for veg if going old school.
如果使用老式 hps 或 mh,则需要 mh 进行营养生长阶段。
为什么不买一些 led 生长灯呢。
一個快速但臨時的解決方法是將光線調低,靠近幼苗。 它正向光線延伸,試圖靠近它。 您需要購買更強的植物等級燈,以帶您度過下一個開發階段。 室內生長最重要的因素是優質光源。 祝你好運!!
The temp is already 25c don’t want to get it to hot. Hps lights are hot put blisters on fingers hot. Just saying be careful how close you get that light don’t want to cook it. The problem is hps don’t have the correct spectrum for veg. They are old school for flowering.
温度已经是 25 摄氏度了,不要让它太热。高压钠灯很热,手指上会起水泡。只是说要小心靠近那盏灯,不要把它烤焦。问题是高压钠灯没有适合蔬菜的正确光谱。它们是老式的
Am I missing something here or are you all bilingual? I sure can’t read that.
you can right click mouse and translate
I thought the same. It’s phone translator. I realized I had the spanish one on mine I use frequently.
Ok. I’m usually on the phone so I didn’t know that was an option with the computer. Interesting.
im not sure but it might work with phone idk
Im doing it on my phone with google translator.
Im also hoping I don’t type something weird. Like in the comedies where they think they know sa language but don’t.
So on an iPhone if you highlight the text you want to translate the box above appears and you can scroll through some options. Choose translate and then next to the option provided use the up/down arrows to pick the actual language you want to read. Same in for reverse if your responding.
We’ll I’ll be a suck egg mule! I never new of such a thing. Thanks.
If using a PC and Chrome, you can highlight, right-click and choose “translate section”. It sees it is simplified Chinese.
Hey @KittyQ are you in Vancouver?