To prune or not to prune. Help

my dirls after a week in ICU

As seen space is very limited. next grow i will only do 2/ probably BD. 2350nis a heater but i think the slower growth is beneficial because im going for strength and good canopy formation. i did not top these at all they are under intense LST no lollipoping there are a lot of well formed under branching on all. i can only contribute that to strength of LED ighting. clearly the max distance to canopy is 12 inches. i got these knock offs from WEB. they work fairly well/ this is my first attempted grow using them for complete cycle so im interested to truly see if there is a yeild or density difference that is very noticable.


**can somebody let my girls know they sexy! they didnt even ask for a get well card after bad nutient burns!
thanks all

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@Viktor7 your girls are sexy
And look good even if you dare d burn them a bit
But Iā€™ll recommend you start your own thread so we can follow along and not to high jack @MaineCoonMom thread lol
Tag me in to your thread if you do hahaha
Happy growing :v:CB


Cool & sorry @MaineCoonMom. I was a bit space.

Those girls are smoke shows

Girls are looking good


Beautiful ladies :+1::heart:

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I want to make sure I donā€™t over grow it. The weather here has been exceptional during the day. Sheā€™s really filling out

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Thatā€™s so awesome. Iā€™m sure you will figure it out :blush::+1:

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What stage are you at it can be very important but if you a still in veg you should be fine just donā€™t over do it but give plenty of time and some T L C you should be sound I hope this helps you.

She is well into flowerā€¦my question now is when do I pull it up, to start drying.,a few of the buds are really brownšŸ˜®


Your growing partner annoys me. Can you tell them?

I didnā€™t scroll up do you have spider mites?

Lol, I donā€™t have a grow partner

Sorry I was responding to @SmoknGranny

Talk to me there please :grin:

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They might be hijacking your threadā€¦ :wink:
@MaineCoonMom your baby still looks youngā€¦ I know you brought her insideā€¦ what kind of lights are you using?
They might start to die without enough lightā€¦ :wink:
But they donā€™t even look close to being doneā€¦
How long have they been in flower ?

More info chickiā€¦ :wink:
I will try to helpā€¦ :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

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I was torn about pulling it and drying it out
I know it didnā€™t look done but the buds to me look like they were getting diseased or maybe even Bud rot
I donā€™t quite think it was Bud rot but I didnā€™t want to wait for the plant to die I not that Iā€™ve ever grown weed before, but Iā€™m really really good with other plants so I knew it was time to do something about it
Thanks for your helpā€¦wish me luck


I still havenā€™t tried the defoliation method yet , sooooā€¦
I canā€™t give any advice on that as of yetā€¦
Maybe Iā€™ll try it next roundā€¦ :crazy_face::rofl::joy::smiley::smile::upside_down_face::grin: