Tiny bit of rot

Got a zkittles that is ready to cut. Was giving it a wet trim about 30 hrs into a dark cycle and found a tiny off color spot on one of the buds. Pinched it out and it pulled out easily, was sickly brown color and at the tip(where it grows off the stem) it was black and wet. Checked the rest of the buds pretty close and see nothing else. It really was tiny and I don’t think I would be able to find the exact spot again. The buds are large and tight. I had given her lots of plain water in the week prior to putting it in the dark but has had no more since.
Will the rot spread after cutting? I have seen advice to others about H2O2+H2O wash but am hesitant to soak the buds.

Omg, following along in horror. Can’t wait for an answer from an authority on that subject
Hope your crop is safe

With the caveat that I’m known to dip my harvest into distilled water to remove fibers, peroxide isn’t going to kill any mold or bacteria that are inside your flowers. So be really careful as you dry this harvest, and make sure to keep the humidity on the lower side; perhaps 50%rh at 65f? I’m kinda shooting from the hip there.

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That is my main concern. I would hate to further wet the buds if it does nothing for something that is in the center.
My thoughts right now are to cut it, give it lots of circulation and watch it like a hawk. Fortunately I am “retired” and can afford to be a “helicopter parent” so I can check on it several times a day. I will cut branches rather than whole plant style for now and if necessary, break down to small buds and a screen for a faster dry. Humidity control is a problem but is usually under 60% anyways.

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Well, I am off to the races so to speak. :horse_racing:t2:
Cut and hung it in a contraption I made out of a cardboard box with 2 holes cut in opposite sides below where the buds hang. The holes are covered with a carbon infused filter material :nose:t2: and I have a cover for the top. A fan blows (oscillating) towards the opening creating a nice, gentle exchange of air :dash: throughout. Rh is about 65% amongst the buds themselves and 60% outside the exhaust vent. Temp is 75F. The buds are thick and heavy/full of moisture so will be a slow dry. :stopwatch: :mantelpiece_clock: :calendar:
I hope there won’t be anything to report for 10 days or so but I will be looking at them often and will update if any more gunk is found. :microbe:( if anybody gives a :rat: :back: :end:) LOL :laughing:


Just gave them a close look. All is well I think.


Crisis averted! Buds dried quicker than I expected and no more issues. Just a little over 2 oz total went into Grove Bags. Candy sweet and smooth with a happy upbeat (but not speedy) buzz. Very happy with the end product. :grapes: :pineapple: :candy: :ok_hand:t2: