This clone is really getting big (what should I do?)

She’s a clone I cut months back and in the new 5x5 she is flourishing. At this point would you do anything to her or just let her carry on?


Id bend it over and fim it turn it into a bush :grin: happy thanksgiving


How would you do that without hurting her?

I have never done one this big

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Id just bend the main stalk right over like crease in half it’ll hurt her but it’s amazing what they can take my family asked I don’t post pictures till we’re legal here but @kaptain3d has a lot of examples in his journal they sell plastic clips for bending and training that are a big help for bending without breaking idk how link web site but they are cheap on Amazon for 90 packs


You can try this:

And these are an example of the training clips @3M is talking about:

Hope this helps :smile:


@kaptain3d for the sound advice. Man I’ve been looking at some of the pics in your posts and I am amazed at what you and the plants are able to give an take. Love it brother.


Take a cutting from the clone and clone it too. Maybe top it and use the topping. Like Kapt, I’m finding of super cropping if I don’t top one :love_you_gesture:


@Africanplainstrain, are you trying to keep it a mother, or are you planning to flower it? I would very different things to it depending.

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Make it a Christmas tree.

Mother material

This clone is really getting big (what should I do?)
That clone isn’t getting big, when it grows 4 feet in one month, then it’s getting big. Yes that’s what one of mine did, now I don’t know what to do with it.

In relation to yours, I would cut the top off and use it for a cutting. Come down 3 nodes (where the leaves grow out of the stem) from the top of the plant, and use a sharp clean pair of scissors or secateurs to cut the stem about 1 inch under the leaf node. The cutting can become another plant and the parent plant will produce 2 main stems. two heads are better than one :slight_smile:

Alternatively just leave it and let it grow.