There were a lot of pile ups, thankfully I took that day off, but I consider myself an excellent winter driver. I worry more about people around me, than myself. People forget how to drive and the snow flies it’s ridiculous.
Thanks for checking on me bro!
We got a skiff of snow on Monday and of course I had to go out in it. Usually a couple of inches is nothing but this one had a layer of ice underneath which made for a ‘sporty’ drive. Over 250 accidents in town on Monday. Winter is her.
That can make for an interesting drive, especially with torque on demand…
Probably didn’t need much that day!
What is the technical Measurement of a skiff of snow?
Never heard that one.
Skiff is usually a boat.
The origin is not clear, but some think it came from the Scottish verb “skiff,” which means to lightly move across a surface barely touching it, as perhaps a “skiff” of snow barely covers the ground. The term appears to be colloquial, used mainly in northern parts of the country and in Canada to describe a minor rainfall or snowfall or a light breeze. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a skiff as “a slight gust of wind or shower of rain, etc. Also, a light flurry or cover of snow.”
More commonly known as a light dusting.
A quick search says the same, hell I didn’t know.
New term today, besides a boat. Lmao
As it said. More common further north.
See. We don’t just learn about growing weed here. Lol.
Local colloquialism. It’s more than a dusting. An inch or two.
Never heard it referred to as a skiff in the North East. Only skiff we have is the boat
I was thinking boat load of snow
Congratulations on the new born and everyones post there after.
So hows it going with the young one a month or so in now.
That picture of him smiling so cute
That beautiful innocents purity and joy
A clean slate and in a state of no mind naturally
@blackmoon He’ll be 3 months in one more day! He’s gotten so big, and it’s amazing to see him grow, and his personality is beginning to come through. Having two girls ahead of him, I’m excited for the differences in father son relationship aspect in comparison to my daughters. They’re wired differently, and I can see the differences this young. He’s going to be so much fun and I’ll be able to roughhouse a little harder with him, eventually. Lol. You know, guy things, and be a little rough around the edges sometimes.
Happy handsome lil dude there Brother.
He’s gonna have the chicky’s hangin off him.
He looks like a super fun little bundle of joy in this picture!
He’s Growin like weed dayum!!
You gonna have your hands full for a while My Brother
I know, we both talk about that, and I’m sure it’s going to get interesting sooner than later. lol. Thanks for that.
He really is. He’s starting to find his voice, and before you know it he’ll be talking my ear off. lol
That’s the goal, keep me preoccupied and off the Mrs…
What a cutie!
Wife saw the pic…melted!
He’s gonna have to beat the girls off when he gets older