The ILGM DownEast 12

thanks man. They are getting anxious to get outside in the fresh air and sunshine, just like me. The only thing me and these ladies ever disagree on is I prefer not to be stuck in some hole in the ground just yet.

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Haaa, thank goodness for that.
Weather here is utterly miserable, no snow or anything cool to sit around a fire looking at, just white cloud and cold weather. Hope yall get some sun soon

We got sun, problem is the ground is frozen solid for another month or more. Then it should be safe to take the snowblower and plow blade attachments off the walk behinds and swap them out for the rotary tiller and cultivator.
How do you like living in Germany aside from the weather? I would like to visit Europe before I die.

Great country, although that shit in berlin with the truck killing people has shock stuff up a bit.
Europes a nice place man, amsterdam ect but the weather is just plain miserable, its hard to look past when you live there but for a visit in the summer… i hope you do it my friend :slight_smile: wales has some of the most beautiul scenery i have ever seen, germany has some amazing buildings and history… not so positive but very interesting none the less to see.

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One of this things I wonder about is if the same kind of blind consumerism culture and saturation of the markets with poor quality goods imported from asia exists like we have here in the US?
I have blood relatives living and running a vinyard in Abruzzi Italy. That’s really where I’d like to visit. My Dad and oldest sister have been many times when her husband was stationed in Sicily for 2 different tours in the US Navy.

Yes and no… most of europe is basically US cultured but toned down, we moan about the US more than anyone else man… everything is the same in the sense of advertising, bigger is better, moneh money buy buy but less… american? Also we dont have donald j spending all our money on deffence haha

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That’s a whole other can of worms as they say. I gotta get outside and active before my chair becomes part of my rear end. Have a good one Paisan. :wink:


I know I wasn’t gone nearly as long as I predicted and I’ll tell you why.
For anyone who has never snowshoed, it typically is a wet activity. The back of snowshoes kicks snow up on the back of your legs and undercarriage which then melts into your clothes requiring a waterproof outer layer at least from the waist down. My “boys” were doing fine with the cold until I noticed the sensation of cold being replaced with cold and damp.
Total fail on the “fused” crotch seam of my rain bibs, which I might add are nearly brand new and have only been worn a half dozen times for brief periods to run snow removal equipment and a little recreational snowshoeing. Nothing quite like the feeling of waterproof outerwear failure in winter.

Actually I wore them snow tubing once and that’s probably why they failed.

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Icicles b4

Icicles after
Future home of the ILGM DownEast 12 (much sunnier in summer)
Sentry enjoying R&R
drift and melt
Got into some dry clothes. Got a full tank of fuel and a touch of cabin fever. Saturday is my day to play “man about town”. That could encompass anything from visiting Agway for growing supplies, to eating short order food prepared by someone besides myself or loving wife to dropping in on a neighbor with some “samples” or just going out to the point to stare at the sun sparkling on the waves.


I am enormously jealous of your apacious property sir. Your very lucky! Beautiful dog and scenery :slight_smile:

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It’s just enough. I relocated here from the Northeast corner of CT about 250 miles SW of here. A property like this down there would run in excess of $250-300k. Because it’s located >15 miles from any conveniences and services I grabbed it for 72k in 2011. There was a terrible collapse in the housing market here just prior to that as well.

The population density here is 29 persons/sq mi or 11.6/sq km in metric. oddly enough I have the state capital, and 3 other significant population centers within 25-50 miles. I think the harshness of winter and these lovely bloodsucking pests called blackflies from April-August keeps most people away and property values down.
Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of overpriced poperties on the market here too but Maine is likely the only state in the US left where you can find properties of 2 + acres or more in move in condition within 25-50 miles of the coast for <100k and don’t think I don’t count my blessings every day and try to live a life worthy of such bounty.
It’s as lush and green in summer as one can imagine as well.


and I’m in the northeast corner of CT where the property costs less than nearer the cities and towns of central CT.

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Quasset lake area of Woodstock from 2002-2011. you recognize this bum?
I usually wear BCG glasses
I wanted to stay in the area at the time I started thinking about acquiring a little more elbow room and looked at places in Windham county and So Central MA. They were all out of my price range. By the time the whole property search was over, I was looking to get as far the hell away from there as possible bc a failing relationship.
Freedom, ME seemed fitting.

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sorry to say this in this day and age and to be so politically incorrect and insensitive…but all you old farts look alike…I have a friend could be your double, holding that mj leaf!

I myself am looking more like my dogs…

Our kids and grandson are in the area or we’d move in a heartbeat

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Good point @kabongster I could only dream to be a creature half as handsome as my mutt. Or yours for that matter.

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our babies, nothing recent, tho…

Their names came from my wife’s favorite movie, “Christmas in Connecticut”, one of the actors was always saying Hunky Dunky…so we took it for them, but used Dory…

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I misread Hunky & Dory and incorrectly guessed it might be in homage to Bowie
how long ago was the pic taken?

4 months…they are to keep our remaining pup, Max, company after his brother from another mother passed away.
poor Max, lol, they run circles around him.

You know the respect and love black men have for eachother when they say maas N word? Thats what i feel for you right now willd, you have what i have always deemed as ‘the dream’ perhaps in spain or italy though. Good for you dude, keep lovong the good life.

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I love looking at the pictures of the snow, all i could show you would be mud. Cute dog and i can only imagine his personality if its anything like my late brothers with the same name as him, I love dogs they are great company (and you dont feel as crazy when you talk to yourself cause you just talk to the dog lol). Im really interested to see how your farm looks in the summer now. The vege farm thing at the hospital that mrs willd does is an amazing idea :star2:. Take it easy