The anxiety will show up first time his plants show out and do something unexpected! Lol
Again the extra stash affect comes into play
29 wherever you are in you house weed is within arms reach
They still do that
31 dont have to worry about short bags😁
Right. Mine are always over now. I’m the best dealer I ever met.
Probably not as much as in the past, but there’s still some around….
You guys have pretty much said it all!
When medical weed became legal here it was $550 an oz! Thats why i started! Freakin extortion! Now prices have come down somewhat but, I LOVE THIS HOBBY! Its an amazing plant to grow! This community is a breath of fresh air. No drama, no egos, just a bunch of people from all backgrounds, coming together for the good of humanity! Ok that last part was over the top🤥
What I meant was, sharing our common love for our hobby, helping and learning from each other.
Haha, my " head stash" bag is 1/4 pounder Grove bag.
- Never have to scrape a bowl for rez hits again
I dont have to worry about weed laced with fentanyl
I dont have to worry about getting pulled over on the way home
I can roll big fat doobers
Growing is an incredible cure for depression and anxiety
I feel like Charlie with a golden f@!#$%g ticket when i open my tent
I get to be my own plug
@ModestMoose67 , I was laughing to myself the other day about what I toss out of bowl. Getting spoiled.
Hard to argue with that logic
The stuff I toss in my trim bin used to be considered “good weed” when I was a much younger man hahahaha. Oh how the times have changed
When I have just planted a seed. And I check in on it constantly like a expectant mom, waiting for my precious seedling to sprout. AAWW my " little girl" is ready to be momma Sensimella.