The Case of the Sticky Icky Autos

All this positive energy is sickening.


Go to you other journal. Lol

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My bet is on the mutant girl. She’s going to be a monster if she keeps going all the way like this.

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Every time I look, she’s doubling or tripling down. Let’s hope I hit the jackpot with this girl.


U would say that lol

@blackthumbbetty ur ilgm cake day is coming in a couple months. Are you gonna throw a party?



LMAO!! Ur crazy

I have read the slower the dry the better in general terms as far as taste and less terpine loss so that’s been my approach. I have also read that the “cure” process stops at a certain humidity level and when this occurs you cannot “restart” the cure process. I believe level is around 56%when in a jar. In how this relates to how far the “dry” it goes, if you dry beyond the point that when you jar and the jarred humidity is %56 or less when sealed and settled/adjusted then the cure process has effectively stopping . That is how I operate.
The person that asserted this was comparing it to a tobacco cure that is a process that has been used for many years in that poison industry.

56% is quite dry for weed. Weed is not tobacco. Tobacco is a leaf, I’m thinking with few oils & terpenes, compared to cannabis flowers. I’m sure that low humidity does the job, but who likes over dried weed? I think someone on here uses the 58% Boveda packs, and to me, that even seems pretty darned dry.

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@blackthumbbetty Merry Christmas. Don’t say I never linked ya anything lol.
The only downside is your chimney will probably clog like an artery.


I’d get too stoned & probably try to eat the log.


I worry about what’s in that smoke…

I can’t use that kind of log in a wood burning stove, but if they made an incense, I’d put that on auto order and have a box shipped every month lol. In a heartbeat!

What are you trying to say, here?

Ok…I misinterpreted what you meant, but we both came to the same conclusion: 56% humidity is too low for curing.

Please, can you stop cluttering up my grow journal. :grinning:

I am truly sorry betty. I am about 4 days into this forum stuff and am pretty ignorant about these things. I can promise you that I will never clutter your grow journal. I honestly apologize for that. Bye

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@puffer1958 Don’t run away, now! All are welcome, here.

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I do not think that would be healthy

Curing actually ends right when I smoke it… haha