as some of u may remember, i was building a nice 5 light room over the winter and suddenly stopped posting a few mos back. heres what happened. in December as i was moving in, things where changing in Mainers electric bills.unless a customer responded to a mailed notification and locked in a rate, your rate went variable (based on current market value) (i.e. total B.S.!) the problem was thousands of us never received this supposed notification. and in my situation being a new customer, why wasnt i offered a rate lock as i signed up my new service??? im seeing it all over the news and i think a class action law suit is forming. long story shory, i was seeing $300 bills over the winter with just one light running and didnt dare power all the lights up. im now locked on a rate and ready to grow, but the prime winter growing indoor has passed and i have started my outdoor grow now. stay tooned this fall for my first real indoor grow here
That sux but atleast it’s getting taken care of best of luck with your outdoor garden and your indoor when you can make it