Something going on with my outdoor grow

Ow that you say that, I did find a smaller caterpillar of some sort. I eradicated that sucka.

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That caterpillar could be a corn earworm. They’re nasty and you have to get rid of them they look like baby caterpillars. They eat it your bud and cause bud rot

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Oh we get humidity also 60f at night and 95% rh.

Eggs I have been finding some are gray like yours and some white as can be.

And now grasshoppers, just went to spray plants before dark and found three of the lil critters they squirles in a tree always on the other side

Like I said before I’m not a big pest guy but here is a good read on the corn earworm which I believe you’re calling baby caterpillar.

@PogueMahone has dealt with them before. Apparently it is the season


Thanks @Lostgirl I don’t think that was it but if I find another I’ll take a closer look. :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Okay, just consider it advanced diagnostics for when you get them next week :astonished:

You surely have had one hell of a time outside. It depresses me I can only imagine what it does to you.


I still see a lot of clear in these trichomes

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Eh, it is what it is. The sucky part is I see what the potential for these plants are. If I can pull it off it will be great. If not. I won’t try outdoor here again.


@Bentstick thank you for chiming in on his pest issue with the eggs. The most I’ve ever gotten was a fly in my tent every now and then.


One thing that I’ve noticed this year paying attention and assisting people with outdoor growers is the abundance of pest issues. One would think there’s a remedy that would rid 98% of these things but apparently there’s not.

I definitely feel sorry for the outdoor grower


Yes the pest are rampant more than normal, but th rewards are awesome, and to see 7-10 foot plants in full bud is awezome, not taking anything from indoor at all, I enjoy that also, and the smoke if different from both!


@Lostgirl a few pictures from location 2


@Lostgirl here’s an update on location 1 that you helped me with last week. After a complete flush and 3 feedings now it looks like we’re back in track (for now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

Green, growing, and pushing through flower m. I notice a lot of new leaf growth the last few days and overall height increased. :blush:


Good I’m glad to hear it. If you can keep on top of these pests & fungi stuff it might pay off!


That’s awesome to see y’all take that sick plant and nurse her back to that state. Gotta love science. And people who understand it


@Lostgirl update today. So far so good. Because of the sickness (and lower hrs of light) in behind location #2 grow by at least 2-3 weeks.

@Lostgirl , location #2 (the pictures don’t do it justice)

They were a bit thirsty this morning. Pushed it just a little bit too far but they bounced back.

The Gorilla Sherbet is about a week away and from chop. About….

Yes the first set of pictures are definitely behind. They’ll finish. The second set looks absolutely fantastic! You worked hard for this outside grow! A+

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