Solo cup chanllenge

That’s awesome :ok_hand:
I have to try it :joy: I have a good many amnesia haze photo seeds left from ILGM.

Do you still run it like a normal grow? 18/6 veg then flip 12/12?


Exactly. Biggest difference in a solo is the need to water more frequently.


How about maybe a marker flag or 2. Having a bright orange flag above your babies may help keep your size 10’s off them. As they get taller , of course you wont need anything .

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I will be happy if they survive the bunny stampedes we have.

Not good news about my Candy Cream auto flower solo cup challenge. They turned male. They were going on 7 weeks of growth from seed. I thought they looked a little weird. I threw them out, I did not want my widows to get pollinated. I don’t know why, they ended up being males. The autos were two years old. I accidently pinched the tops when I pinched the tops of the widow girls. I hate auto flowers. I am just glad I noticed it before it was too late. :face_holding_back_tears:

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Cup Challenge :metal:
I hope photo period can join. ILGM Super Silver Haze. This is the last 2 minutes of her 8th day of flower. I just put plant trainers on her and watered with 400ppms of Calmag, so she looks beaten. She was.

I have found the Solo Cup is not a challenge. I plan on either cutting this one in half or start a new one 1/2 it’s size. I really thought it would challenge me and I can say it isn’t.

Soil is at least 1.5 years old. No nutrients. I have another interesting grow planned as well. But no spoilers.

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I really think I wanna drop something in a solo and throw it in the tent with the girls in flower and just let it ride 12/12 the whole time. If I really try, I can make the space…

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This is why I bypassed the Solo Cup Challenge as I knew it would not even remotely challenge me.

As small as mine is, it’s been fun. When I placed it in there it was between a 4 to 5 inch taproot that looked like it was dying. So I tossed it in this little dome I made and since it lived, I am running with it. After I get home, I am starting another 1/2 it’s size. Really take it to a whole new level of crazy.

Yeah I think you can squeeze a Solo Cup in there.

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Hmmm. What kind of soil are you in? I have a little FFOF and some Roots Organic 707. The RO is light on nutes. The 2 plants on right are in it getting Jack’s. The Purple Punch on the left is in FFOF getting Jack’s. Does the soil still last in a solo?

:point_up_2: a little arrogant aren’t we?? This is a fun challenge, don’t :poop: on it. Just don’t comment :love_you_gesture:

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I have been using this FFOF for over 1.5 years.

You go your way and I will go mine. Ignored because it’s to mentally exhausting playing stupid so people can keep up with me.

Agree on 1 thing of going separate ways.

:point_up_2: Here’s a challenge for you… Try being humble :love_you_gesture:

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A fun experiment when you only have a teeny little spot in the forest!

Clones, not ILGM seeds, so I’m not eligible.


@Spudgunner Nice frost…yum yum.

Ya all 2 or 3 joints worth! Fortunately the 4 donors yielded 12.5 oz.

I had 12 in pots that size yesterday, all about a foot or taller. Moved them up to bigger pots…4 in 1 gal, the rest in about 1/2 gallons. That’s all the room I have if I don’t want to kill them.

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