Soil šŸ‘‰ some type of hydroponic

Thatā€™s what I use.

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If youā€™re purchasing Jacks, this is no longer needed separately, itā€™s in the Jacks recipe.
Calcium nitrate (15-0-0) is the calcium and epsom salt is the magnesium.


@Myfriendis410 @Covertgrower

How do you guys start seeds for you hydroponic grows?

Rock wool, or rapid rooter plugs, not sure what @Myfriendis410 uses.


Yeah, then into neoprene collars in a 4" net pot.


I started with rockwool. Switched to rapid rooters. Will honestly probably switch back to rockwool after this round. They seemed to form a bigger, healthier root structure at the onset. Could just be strain differences but I think my plants with rockwool all were generally more established at a younger age.


Iā€™ll have to look into the cost comparison of the two, Iā€™ve never looked at the prices of those. Rock wool it is sounds like.

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If you have an aerogarden, they work perfect for seed starting. It will maintain them for a few weeks actually.

Is it possible to have to many bubbles from the air-stone under the plant?

The more air you can add, the better oxygen the roots will get.

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I received the Jackā€™s A, B and Epsom. I am still waiting on the Silica.

***What ratios do you guys use?

***Do you mix it per gallon?

***Do you use different ratios for different plant age/stages?

***Do you have to change the solution at certain intervals?

:crazy_face: sorry for the inquisition!

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Best explanation of DLI Iā€™ve seen. He makes it easy.

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Hope you also got a digital scale.
Seed to harvest.
I mix Armor Si in a separate bucket @ 1/4 tsp/gal till after the stretch and then do 1/2 tsp/gal until two weeks before harvest, then stop feeding armor Si all together.

In separate bucket, I mix in this order.
Part A @ 3.69 gr./gal, stir till dissolved.
Epson salt @ 1.5 gr./gal, stir till dissolved.
Part B @ 2.44 gr./gal, stir till dissolved
Then PH
I also use hydroguard @ 1/2 tsp/gal. Doesnā€™t matter if you add that before or after PHā€™ing the mix.
Good luck! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:

@HappyHydroGrower I hope you donā€™t mind me doing a copy paste of your mixture to put in my notes and probably share with others

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I obviously found this on Jackā€™s siteā€¦ I was wondering if anyone used a different ratio.

Not at all brother. Keep in mind, some will mix a little diff and maybe add a thing or two but Iā€™ve done 3 grows this way and it works.
The only thing I will probably do differently next grow is not change the water every 10 days. Iā€™ll probably let it go at least 3 weeks unless water starts to get too dirty. So far itā€™s been pretty clean after 10 days. :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


Per gallon mixture is:
3.6g of Part A
2.4g of Part B
1.5g of Epsom salt

I donā€™t cater to individual plants. I have increased part B on occasions, but most of the time run the same. Iā€™ve increased epsom salt for additional magnesium for my lighting.


Thatā€™s cool it just gives me something to give to others that has been tried by someone I consider a good grower but I always tell whoever it is that itā€™s second hand because Iā€™ve never used jacksā€¦ you never know I might get a wild hair and decide to try it lol I like trying new stuff it keeps my mind working

I just thought of a question if you would. I canā€™t remember what you are growing in or how exactly :thinking: if you were to water manually in soil or coco would you mix it the same?


@Covertgrower I copied yours as well that would give options for me or whomever I share them withā€¦ thank you for sharing


Honestly, Iā€™ve never tried Jacks while I grew in coco but have seen many that have. I believe they would go about it the same way, mixing daily. Thatā€™s the reason I got away from coco. I didnā€™t want to have to mix daily. Iā€™m in rdwc and will never go back.
The only thing Iā€™ll do next grow is change the water less unless it gets dirty. :+1:t2::v::sunglasses: