We’ve been rehabbing a bunny named JellyBean that my woman at the vets office as a tech. The drs forced a person to hand her over. I kinda DONT want to put the pictures of how bad she was.
All i can say is imagine the Indiana Jones movies with the dude melting and eyes popping out. It was baaaaad.
So after a few weeks at the vets she brought her home. Shes a handful
Shes a beauty . Are you fostering or adopting her ?
He looks like a Sly!
Well we did foster her for about three weeks before my woman said we’re keeping her. JellyBean is cute chasing around the cats though haha
This is Channing. My shadow. He’s a rescue. He my ride or die!! I walk out the door and he don’t get to go, he will sit there for hours till I walk back in.
I love him
Shes very cool
Hey thanks, let me get a pic for ya I just took like 20 minutes ago
My Ole Money maker just chilling on the porch
Awwww!! He looks a lot my my little girl Ramona
This is Mystic. Rescued him from a farm in KS. Part Maine Coon, just not sure how much.
The other guy is Hammer. Was 22 lbs but vet said he needed to lose some so now he is down to 17 lbs.
I have personally never had to make the decision to take a cats balls but since he was sorta wild, had to do all the things done prior to adopting. He was on pain meds and a heating pad watching me play games.
He is a TV watcher.
and cool as a fan and knows it…
with some big paws
Mystic Hammer. Sounds like a weed strain. Looks like a cool cat.
Willow the dog.
“Woof, I got 2 baths today.” Once because I smelled bad; twice because I rolled in bunny poo right after my first one.

Not pictured: another cat, another dog, 15 other chickens, a rabbit, a ball python, a chameleon, and a yellow Nigerian uromastyx.
The gaze on that chicken is intense.
she’s my shoulder chicken that perches while I drink my coffee lol…she’s extremely interested in the forward camera lol