Should I water or wait

One of those things… can’t remember when I’ve last watered… soil is definitely dry to the touch. And my moisture meter has been pegged at dry for 3 days now… 5gal fabric pots. BUT the plants show no signs of being thirsty. No moisture on my drip pan/run off container. @Zee @Hellraiser. You’ve seen what they look like on my journal. I was just wondering… seems like all week I’ve been saying “just one more day” but again… they really don’t LOOK like they need a drink… idk what’s your opinion??


Pick them up, if they feel empty, water :smile:.


The girl in the solo cup is ready for transfer, they all look happy and healthy btw! Keep at it.

They don’t have to show signs of being thirsty to water them. Just keep those wet and dry cycles going.


Definitely feel light. Any harm in letting them dry out a little more? Or just best that I get them some water? And ya about the solo cup one… Ha… I should’ve transplanted a month ago, but I’m nervous that I’d run out of room inside the tent. Not sure what to do with it…
Edit-- I’ve feed every single time I’ve watered… skip and just go with water? Or continue as I have been? Thanks @Zee

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Take them out of the tent. Look at their color, if dark green, just water to a little run off. If light green add nutes. Most here keep to a feeding schedule, I am trying to get away from it, by using this method.

I would water. When you go through wet and dry cycles, it promotes growth. The more times it goes through it, the bigger the plant = more yield.

IMO, I would go ahead and transfer the solo cup girl, let her grow. Once you do run out of room, take the smallest/weaker one out…

Don’t mention helping, am just paying it forward!


@Zee has got you covered ! I would just like to mention I would be careful feeding every time without checking PPM runoff numbers . good luck plants look happy


Copy that :heavy_check_mark:@Zee Also! When do you think I should be switching to 12/12?

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That’s something I plan on doing today is checking the ppm of the runoff. Haven’t ever done it this season. Thanks @kellydans
Would 850ppm be a good target? Or is this just an inspection/check. If I just add strictly water without nutes?

Being photos, once you see preflowers, you can flip.

That question is really about asking yourself, how much yield do you want?

I am a huge fan of Hellraisers grow method, and don’t deviate from it, no matter how many other opinions I read.

Am over 9 weeks from ground, and haven’t flipped. I be flipping next weekend. My girls are big, and if wasn’t for Hellraiser, I would have flipped a month ago.

I want to have enough yield to last me till my next harvest, so that’s 10 Weeks veg + 10 Weeks flower + dry and cure time.


Water in with pH water get about 20% runoff. An check PPM and pH under 850 would be a reasonable Target to add a little nutes


EXACTLY! Look I’m for big yields and that too is my goal. The ultimate goal! I’d have to look back on my grow journal to see how many weeks I’ve been in veg. I’m sure I’m fairly close. I ought to go back and read through Hellraiser’s grow once more. @Zee Thanks again!! This has really been great!


Yes I agree ! I’m usually somewhere between 8 to 10 weeks veg some plants grow faster than others.

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Anytime! Cool you’re growing weed with us.

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Alright, just watered. Ran pH and ppm test on the runoffs. Feed them each a gallon of water pH’d to 6.6
and additional 1/2 gallon to the 2 bananas, I will explain. And the usual nutes I use getting the water up to 350+/- ppm.
So 6.3 pH throughout all plants
Average of 1500 ppm on my 3 mystery plants and a whopping 2300 ppm on the 2 bananas. Used that additional 1/2 gal of water pH 6.6 and 130ppm to flush some of that excess away. Dimmed the lights a touch as if there are some “clouds” , also cranking up the humidity for the rest of the evening.
But anyway… thoughts? @Zee @kellydans


Happy frog soil, right?

All the #s look good to me. Kelly has more experience then me, especially with PPM. Let Kelly chime in…

It’s really just wash, rinse, dry, repeat :slight_smile:


Okay I figured it would be a little high from feeding every time . Next time pots get dry I would water in with pH water only and check PPM runoff again see if it comes down a little bit . Looks like your pH was very good. PPM not bad you just don’t need to feed nutes right now. Need to get on some kind of regular water feed schedule different products call for different amounts.

@Zee Yes happy frog soil!
@kellydans Alright cool i will do just that.