Should I harvest outdoor plants if it's going to hail?

I’m in South east Missouri, it just rained a couple days now we’ll get clouds today, sun tomorrow then storms with possible hail. Hail will tear em up, they’re almost ready, terps are mostly milky with no amber.


I don’t mind a racey plant and would harvest before I lost them.
No way to temp cover?
Terps are smells,
Tricromes is what your watching :+1:t2::green_heart::metal:t2::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face:


What happened, did it storm.
To me the trics look cloudy almost white. I’d harvest now

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Yes, but nothing like they saìd. Rain ended up being mostly a slow soaker. Nothing hurt.
I’ll take it down this weekend, most likely.

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