Several questions for anyone who has the time to spread some knowledge

@Bunger64 ill probably transplant into a 5 gallon bag this weekend. I got a pack of DynoMicro to add to the root ball for transplant. It did really well the first transplant.


Sounds good the whole process is exciting start to finish


@Bunger64 @dbrn32 got her transplanted to final pot, the bigger fan leafs seamed to be curling. I had raised % on my light and my ppfd was 460. Raised my light and lowered the dimmer and now reading around 365 ppfd at the canopy. My question was about the curling, was the light intensity what caused that or was it from leaving it in the smaller container to long? Rootball was tight when i got it out of the smaller container. I mixed 6 gallons of fox farm ocean forest and 1 gallon of perlite. Soaked with ph7 sping water until run off then let it drain for about an hour before transplant. Also added dynomicro to the hole before transplant. Fingers crossed i did everything correctly.


Well I like your style, definitely to the T. I didnt know about 3/4 of what you mentioned, but the biggest thing is are you having fun.

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Probably just a little transplant shock.


@dbrn32 It actually happened the morning before transplant. But it seams to be a little better since i noved the light up and backed off the intensity. Sitting around 420 ppfd at the canopy on the photone app. The 4th node was showing this morning so i imagine ill get to top it in the next couple of days. If its alright with you i may tag you periodically with a picture just so if you see anything major that needs adressed i can fix it before its to far gone.

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Also im still running the lights 24hrs a day. I planned on doing that for a month but i ordered a timer switch today so i can swap it to 18/6.


No problem with that.

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Topped yesterday between 4th and 5th node and everything seamed happy and healthy this morning! Do you think i should top the new tops onece they grow out or was the one enough? Im planning to use a scrog @dbrn32


You can top more if you’d like but it isn’t necessary.


It wont effect yeilds one way or the other?

@dbrn32 i also wanted to ask if it was ok to remove a couple of the larger fan leafs at this stage? A couple of the bigger leafs towards the bottom are nearly in the dirt and i saw atleast one that was covering what i assume is gunna be a bud site. Do i cut those? I may be overthinking it.

This picture is currently


The overall shape of plant can but this has more to do with many other factors than topping or not. If you run a screen and train properly to it, it doesn’t really matter if you top one time, ten times, or none. Plant will be in roughly same place as long as the trellis is full any which way. When you look at how breders qoute yield potential for indoor plants it’s always in size of canopy and not plant count or how you train said plants. One plant in 4x4 has roughly same yield potential as 16 plants in same space. How you get there is completely different and several variables need to be considered, but a specific method won’t increase or decrease this on its own.

You could remove a leaf or two but there isn’t really anything to gain by doing that. This plant is still relatively small and doesn’t have flowers yet. Once flower sites are present or foliage is restricting air movement around plant stripping some leaves would probably be a good idea. Neither is really the case here. Right now those leaves are catching light and not really hindering anything.



I think i need this one to strech a little. I left a couple inches of my grow bag unfilled and its getting wide before its out of the bag.

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I got rid of 2 of the first fan leaves closest to the ground. Id alrady dug down a little to get them off the dirt but today they were touching again. The rest of the canopy was nearly wider already so maybe i didn’t loose to much light coverage. On the plus side it opened up the bottom big time. I dont know much but i feel like pruning this plant later on in veg is gunna be a job. Everything seams really tight. I have my light as high as i can get it, im running around 50% power. Maybe i need to back off 5% or 10%? Photone app shows around 400 ppfd at canopy. @dbrn32 @MidwestGuy I really do appreciate all of the information yall have helped me with. It blows my mind reading through some of these topics and seeing how smart and creative everyone is. Amazing well of knowledge to pull from here thats for sure! Hopefully one of these days i can answer a question for someone haha.


They are probably fine where light is currently at.

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So last night was the first night of 18/6 cycle. My plant seamed to respond well, although today when i got home it seamed less lively than normal but still healthy. @dbrn32 im gunna take your advice and not top again. I attempted some LST with some gardening wire and coat hangers but never could get it to look like i thought it should so i backed out haha. I did add my net though, roughly 10"-12" above soil. Hopefully since its staying short and bushy onece it reaches the net i can get a good spread. Ive been holding back on water because everyone says its so easy to over water, but ive read multiple post by @Hellraiser where he recommends to water to run off when you water and not to use a spray bottle correct? First good watering today since transplant and it took over 3 liters before the bottom of the bag started getting wet. I still haven’t added any nutrients. Fox farm ocean forrest with 20% perlite.

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It will make the screen eventually, just don’t mess with it. Once it does start peeking above just push new growth back under regularly. Don’t weave plant through screen or tie off to it. Once screen is about full you can direct the mains to desired squares and clean up everything else, then send to flower.


My biggest problem so far for sure. I get the basic idea, im sure seeing a grow through will make a big difference next time. So onece the limbs and tops make it out to the edges of the net do i turn them and train them back toward the middle or is that what everyone means by full when it reaches the edges?

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